Displaying 281 – 300 of 2186

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Cohomology rings of Artin groups

Claudia Landi (2000)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

In this paper integer cohomology rings of Artin groups associated with exceptional groups are determined. Computations have been carried out by using an effective method for calculation of cup product in cellular cohomology which we introduce here. Actually, our method works in general for any finite regular complex with identifications, the regular complex being geometrically realized by a compact orientable manifold, possibly with boundary.

Cohomology rings of spaces of generic bipolynomials and extended affine Weyl groups of serie A

Fabien Napolitano (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

A bipolynomial is a holomorphic mapping of a sphere onto a sphere such that some point on the target sphere has exactly two preimages. The topological invariants of spaces of bipolynomials without multiple roots are connected with characteristic classes of rational functions with two poles and generalized braid groups associated to extended affine Weyl groups of the serie A . We prove that the cohomology rings of the spaces of bipolynomials of bidegree ( k , l ) stabilize as k tends to infinity and that...

Combinatorial Modulus on Boundary of Right-Angled Hyperbolic Buildings

Antoine Clais (2016)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

In this article, we discuss the quasiconformal structure of boundaries of right-angled hyperbolic buildings using combinatorial tools. In particular, we exhibit some examples of buildings of dimension 3 and 4 whose boundaries satisfy the combinatorial Loewner property. This property is a weak version of the Loewner property. This is motivated by the fact that the quasiconformal structure of the boundary led to many results of rigidity in hyperbolic spaces since G.D.Mostow. In the case of buildings...

Commensurations of Out ( F n )

Benson Farb, Michael Handel (2007)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

Let Out(Fn) denote the outer automorphism group of the free group Fn with n>3. We prove that for any finite index subgroup Γ<Out(Fn), the group Aut(Γ) is isomorphic to the normalizer of Γ in Out(Fn). We prove that Γ is co-Hopfian: every injective homomorphism Γ→Γ is surjective. Finally, we prove that the abstract commensurator Comm(Out(Fn)) is isomorphic to Out(Fn).

Commutators and associators in Catalan loops

Jan M. Raasch (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Various commutators and associators may be defined in one-sided loops. In this paper, we approximate and compare these objects in the left and right loop reducts of a Catalan loop. To within a certain order of approximation, they turn out to be quite symmetrical. Using the general analysis of commutators and associators, we investigate the structure of a specific Catalan loop which is non-commutative, but associative, that appears in the original number-theoretic application of Catalan loops.

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 2186