Displaying 141 – 160 of 383

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Indice du normalisateur du centralisateur d’un élément nilpotent dans une algèbre de Lie semi-simple

Anne Moreau (2006)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

L’indice d’une algèbre de Lie algébrique complexe est la codimension minimale de ses orbites coadjointes. Si 𝔤 est semi-simple, son indice, ind 𝔤 , est égal à son rang,  rg 𝔤 . Le but de cet article est d’établir une formule générale pour l’indice de 𝔫 ( 𝔤 e ) pour e nilpotent, où 𝔫 ( 𝔤 e ) est le normalisateur dans 𝔤 du centralisateur 𝔤 e de e . Plus précisément, on obtient le résultat suivant, conjecturé par D. Panyushev : ind 𝔫 ( 𝔤 e ) = rg 𝔤 - dim 𝔷 ( 𝔤 e ) , 𝔷 ( 𝔤 e ) est le centre de 𝔤 e . Panyushev obtient l’inégalité ind 𝔫 ( 𝔤 e ) rg 𝔤 - dim 𝔷 ( 𝔤 e ) dans Panyushev 2003 et on montre que la maximalité...

Invariant differential operators on the tangent space of some symmetric spaces

Thierry Levasseur, J. Toby Stafford (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let 𝔤 be a complex, semisimple Lie algebra, with an involutive automorphism ϑ and set 𝔨 = Ker ( ϑ - I ) , 𝔭 = Ker ( ϑ + I ) . We consider the differential operators, 𝒟 ( 𝔭 ) K , on 𝔭 that are invariant under the action of the adjoint group K of 𝔨 . Write τ : 𝔨 Der 𝒪 ( 𝔭 ) for the differential of this action. Then we prove, for the class of symmetric pairs ( 𝔤 , 𝔨 ) considered by Sekiguchi, that d 𝒟 ( 𝔭 ) : d 𝒪 ( 𝔭 ) K = 0 = 𝒟 ( 𝔭 ) τ ( 𝔨 ) . An immediate consequence of this equality is the following result of Sekiguchi: Let ( 𝔤 0 , 𝔨 0 ) be a real form of one of these symmetric pairs ( 𝔤 , 𝔨 ) , and suppose that T is a K 0 -invariant...

Invariant meromorphic functions on Stein spaces

Daniel Greb, Christian Miebach (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper we develop fundamental tools and methods to study meromorphic functions in an equivariant setup. As our main result we construct quotients of Rosenlicht-type for Stein spaces acted upon holomorphically by complex-reductive Lie groups and their algebraic subgroups. In particular, we show that in this setup invariant meromorphic functions separate orbits in general position. Applications to almost homogeneous spaces and principal orbit types are given. Furthermore, we use the main result...

Invariant symbolic calculus for semidirect products

Benjamin Cahen (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let G be the semidirect product V K where K is a connected semisimple non-compact Lie group acting linearly on a finite-dimensional real vector space V . Let π be a unitary irreducible representation of G which is associated by the Kirillov-Kostant method of orbits with a coadjoint orbit of G whose little group is a maximal compact subgroup of K . We construct an invariant symbolic calculus for π , under some technical hypothesis. We give some examples including the Poincaré group.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 383