Displaying 461 – 480 of 2342

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Correspondance de Howe explicite  : paires duales de type II

Alberto Mínguez (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Dans cet article, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode pour démontrer la bijectivité de la correspondance de Howe pour les paires duales du type GL n , GL m sur un corps F localement compact non archimédien. La preuve est basée sur une étude soigneuse de la filtration de Kudla [11] ainsi que sur les résultats de [13] à propos de l’irréductibilité d’une représentation induite parabolique. Elle est valable pour F de caractéristique quelconque et nous permet d’expliciter la bijection en termes des paramètres...

Counting arithmetic subgroups and subgroup growth of virtually free groups

Amichai Eisenmann (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let K be a p -adic field, and let H = P S L 2 ( K ) endowed with the Haar measure determined by giving a maximal compact subgroup measure 1 . Let A L H ( x ) denote the number of conjugacy classes of arithmetic lattices in H with co-volume bounded by x . We show that under the assumption that K does not contain the element ζ + ζ - 1 , where ζ denotes the p -th root of unity over p , we have lim x log A L H ( x ) x log x = q - 1 where q denotes the order of the residue field of K .

Covering locally compact groups by less than 2 ω many translates of a compact nullset

Márton Elekes, Árpád Tóth (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Gruenhage asked if it was possible to cover the real line by less than continuum many translates of a compact nullset. Under the Continuum Hypothesis the answer is obviously negative. Elekes and Stepr mans gave an affirmative answer by showing that if C E K is the well known compact nullset considered first by Erdős and Kakutani then ℝ can be covered by cof() many translates of C E K . As this set has no analogue in more general groups, it was asked by Elekes and Stepr mans whether such a result holds for...

Currently displaying 461 – 480 of 2342