Displaying 121 – 140 of 2342

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A theorem on generic intersections in an o-minimal structure

Krzysztof Jan Nowak (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Consider a transitive definable action of a Lie group G on a definable manifold M. Given two (locally) definable subsets A and B of M, we prove that the dimension of the intersection σ(A) ∩ B is not greater than the expected one for a generic σ ∈ G.

A weak type (1,1) estimate for a maximal operator on a group of isometries of a homogeneous tree

Michael G. Cowling, Stefano Meda, Alberto G. Setti (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We give a simple proof of a result of R. Rochberg and M. H. Taibleson that various maximal operators on a homogeneous tree, including the Hardy-Littlewood and spherical maximal operators, are of weak type (1,1). This result extends to corresponding maximal operators on a transitive group of isometries of the tree, and in particular for (nonabelian finitely generated) free groups.

A weighted Plancherel formula II. The case of the ball

Genkai Zhang (1992)

Studia Mathematica

The group SU(1,d) acts naturally on the Hilbert space L ² ( B d μ α ) ( α > - 1 ) , where B is the unit ball of d and d μ α the weighted measure ( 1 - | z | ² ) α d m ( z ) . It is proved that the irreducible decomposition of the space has finitely many discrete parts and a continuous part. Each discrete part corresponds to a zero of the generalized Harish-Chandra c-function in the lower half plane. The discrete parts are studied via invariant Cauchy-Riemann operators. The representations on the discrete parts are equivalent to actions on some holomorphic...

A Wiener type theorem for (U(p,q),Hₙ)

Linda Saal (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

It is well known that (U(p,q),Hₙ) is a generalized Gelfand pair. Applying the associated spectral analysis, we prove a theorem of Wiener Tauberian type for the reduced Heisenberg group, which generalizes a known result for the case p = n, q = 0.

Abelian simply transitive affine groups of symplectic type

Oliver Baues, Vicente Cortés (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The set of all Abelian simply transitive subgroups of the affine group naturally corresponds to the set of real solutions of a system of algebraic equations. We classify all simply transitive subgroups of the symplectic affine group by constructing a model space for the corresponding variety of solutions. Similarly, we classify the complete global model spaces for flat special Kähler manifolds with a constant cubic form.

Abelova cena v roce 2018 udělena za Langlandsův program

Vítězslav Kala (2018)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

V článku motivujeme a vysvětlíme základy Langlandsova programu, sítě domněnek propojujících řadu různých oblastí matematiky. Během toho se také setkáme s Riemannovou hypotézou a domněnkou Birche a Swinnerton-Dyera, dvěma ze sedmi problémů tisíciletí vyhlášených Clayovým matematickým institutem.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 2342