Displaying 41 – 60 of 106

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On a space of smooth functions on a convex unbounded set in ℝn admitting holomorphic extension in ℂn

Il’dar Musin, Polina Yakovleva (2012)

Open Mathematics

For some given logarithmically convex sequence M of positive numbers we construct a subspace of the space of rapidly decreasing infinitely differentiable functions on an unbounded closed convex set in ℝn. Due to the conditions on M each function of this space admits a holomorphic extension in ℂn. In the current article, the space of holomorphic extensions is considered and Paley-Wiener type theorems are established. To prove these theorems, some auxiliary results on extensions of holomorphic functions...

On a two-variable zeta function for number fields

Jeffrey C. Lagarias, Eric Rains (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

This paper studies a two-variable zeta function Z K ( w , s ) attached to an algebraic number field K , introduced by van der Geer and Schoof, which is based on an analogue of the Riemann-Roch theorem for number fields using Arakelov divisors. When w = 1 this function becomes the completed Dedekind zeta function ζ ^ K ( s ) of the field K . The function is a meromorphic function of two complex variables with polar divisor s ( w - s ) , and it satisfies the functional equation Z K ( w , s ) = Z K ( w , w - s ) . We consider the special case K = , where for w = 1 this function...

Racines de polynômes de Bernstein

Pierrette Cassou-Noguès (1986)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On considère un polynôme P , à coefficients réels non négatifs, à deux indéterminées. On montre que la connaissance des pôles des intégrales 0 1 0 1 x 1 β 1 - 1 x 2 β 2 - 1 P ( x 1 , x 2 ) s d x 1 d x 2 donne des renseignements sur les racines du polynômes de Bernstein de P . La détermination des pôles des intégrales peut se faire en utilisant certaines méthodes de Mellin. Des calculs explicites sont donnés.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 106