Structural stability of polynomial second order differential equations with periodic coefficients.
The generalized linear differential equation where and the matrices are regular, can be transformed using the notion of a logarithimc prolongation along an increasing function. This method enables to derive various results about generalized LDE from the well-known properties of ordinary LDE. As an example, the variational stability of the generalized LDE is investigated.
En rapport avec le problème du retard a la bifurcation, la notion de solution surstable est définie pour une famille d’équations différentielles analytiques avec un petit paramètre. Un théorème d’existence des solutions surstables est démontré pour des valeurs exceptionnelles d’un paramètre de contrôle. L’outil principal de la démonstration est un théorème de sommation qui constitue une généralisation d’un résultat de A. I. Neishtadt.
This paper investigates adaptive switched modified function projective synchronization between two complex nonlinear hyperchaotic systems with unknown parameters. Based on adaptive control and parameter identification, corresponding adaptive controllers with appropriate parameter update laws are constructed to achieve switched modified function projective synchronization between two different complex nonlinear hyperchaotic systems and to estimate the unknown system parameters. A numerical simulation...
The synchronization of fractional-order complex networks with delay is investigated in this paper. By constructing a novel Lyapunov-Krasovskii function and taking integer derivative instead of fractional derivative of the function, a sufficient criterion is obtained in the form of linear matrix inequalities to realize synchronizing complex dynamical networks. Finally, a numerical example is shown to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.
In this paper, we propose a new approach of designing a controller and an update rule of unknown parameters for synchronizing fractional-order system with multiple delays and prove the correctness of the approach according to the fractional Lyapunov stable theorem. Based on the proposed approach, synchronizing fractional delayed chaotic system with and without unknown parameters is realized. Numerical simulations are carried out to confirm the effectiveness of the approach.
This paper is concerned with synchronization of two coupled Hind-marsh-Rose (HR) neurons. Two synchronization criteria are derived by using nonlinear feedback control and linear feedback control, respectively. A synchronization criterion for FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) neurons is derived as the application of control method of this paper. Compared with some existing synchronization results for chaotic systems, the contribution of this paper is that feedback gains are only dependent on system parameters,...
It is shown that the limit in an abstract version of Szegő's limit theorem can be expressed in terms of the antistable dynamics of the system. When the system dynamics are regular, it is shown that the limit equals the difference between the antistable Lyapunov exponents of the system and those of its inverse. In the general case, the elements of the dichotomy spectrum give lower and upper bounds.