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Self-adjoint differential vector-operators and matrix Hilbert spaces I

Maksim Sokolov (2005)

Open Mathematics

In the current work a generalization of the famous Weyl-Kodaira inversion formulas for the case of self-adjoint differential vector-operators is proved. A formula for spectral resolutions over an analytical defining set of solutions is discussed. The article is the first part of the planned two-part survey on the structural spectral theory of self-adjoint differential vector-operators in matrix Hilbert spaces.

Singular Dirichlet boundary value problems. II: Resonance case

Donal O'Regan (1998)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Existence results are established for the resonant problem y ' ' + λ m a y = f ( t , y ) a.e. on [ 0 , 1 ] with y satisfying Dirichlet boundary conditions. The problem is singular since f is a Carathéodory function, a L l o c 1 ( 0 , 1 ) with a > 0 a.e. on [ 0 , 1 ] and 0 1 x ( 1 - x ) a ( x ) d x < .

Solving inverse nodal problem with frozen argument by using second Chebyshev wavelet method

Yu Ping Wang, Shahrbanoo Akbarpoor Kiasary, Emrah Yılmaz (2024)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider the inverse nodal problem for Sturm-Liouville (S-L) equation with frozen argument. Asymptotic behaviours of eigenfunctions, nodal parameters are represented in two cases and numerical algorithms are produced to solve the given problems. Subsequently, solution of inverse nodal problem is calculated by the second Chebyshev wavelet method (SCW), accuracy and effectiveness of the method are shown in some numerical examples.

Some global results for nonlinear fourth order eigenvalue problems

Ziyatkhan Aliyev (2014)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, we consider the nonlinear fourth order eigenvalue problem. We show the existence of family of unbounded continua of nontrivial solutions bifurcating from the line of trivial solutions. These global continua have properties similar to those found in Rabinowitz and Berestycki well-known global bifurcation theorems.

Some global results for nonlinear Sturm-Liouville problems with spectral parameter in the boundary condition

Ziyatkhan S. Aliyev, Gunay M. Mamedova (2015)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We consider nonlinear Sturm-Liouville problems with spectral parameter in the boundary condition. We investigate the structure of the set of bifurcation points, and study the behavior of two families of continua of nontrivial solutions of this problem contained in the classes of functions having oscillation properties of the eigenfunctions of the corresponding linear problem, and bifurcating from the points and intervals of the line of trivial solutions.

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