Le problème de Cauchy à caractéristiques multiples
We study one-dimensional linear hyperbolic systems with -coefficients subjected to periodic conditions in time and reflection boundary conditions in space. We derive a priori estimates and give an operator representation of solutions in the whole scale of Sobolev-type spaces of periodic functions. These spaces give an optimal regularity trade-off for our problem.
In this paper we establish new nonlinear Liouville theorems for parabolic problems on half spaces. Based on the Liouville theorems, we derive estimates for the blow-up of positive solutions of indefinite parabolic problems and investigate the complete blow-up of these solutions. We also discuss a priori estimates for indefinite elliptic problems.
We prove a Liouville type theorem for sign-changing radial solutions of a subcritical semilinear heat equation . We use this theorem to derive a priori bounds, decay estimates, and initial and final blow-up rates for radial solutions of rather general semilinear parabolic equations whose nonlinearities have a subcritical polynomial growth. Further consequences on the existence of steady states and time-periodic solutions are also shown.
Let be one solution towith a non-homogeneous term , and , where is a bounded domain. We discuss an inverse problem of determining unknown functions by , after selecting input sources suitably, where is an arbitrary subboundary, denotes the normal derivative, and . In the case of , we prove the Lipschitz stability in the inverse problem if we choose from a set with an arbitrarily fixed subdomain . Moreover we can take by making special choices for , . The proof is...
Let y(h)(t,x) be one solution to with a non-homogeneous term h, and , where is a bounded domain. We discuss an inverse problem of determining n(n+1)/2 unknown functions aij by , after selecting input sources suitably, where is an arbitrary subboundary, denotes the normal derivative, and . In the case of , we prove the Lipschitz stability in the inverse problem if we choose from a set with an arbitrarily fixed subdomain . Moreover we can take by making special choices for...