A necessary and sufficient condition for the diagonalization of multi-dimensional quasilinear systems.
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Kong, De-xing (1999)
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) [electronic only]
Saleh Mobayen, Fairouz Tchier (2015)
This paper presents a novel sliding mode controller for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems. Based on Lyapunov stability theorem and linear matrix inequality technique, a sufficient condition is derived to guarantee the global asymptotical stability of the error dynamics and a linear sliding surface is existed depending on state errors. A new reaching control law is designed to satisfy the presence of the sliding mode around the linear surface in the finite time, and its parameters are obtained...
Pierre Cardaliaguet (2009)
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations
We investigate the regularity of solutions of first order Hamilton-Jacobi equation with super linear growth in the gradient variable. We show that the solutions are locally Hölder continuous with Hölder exponent depending only on the growth of the hamiltonian. The proof relies on a reverse Hölder inequality.
Pierre Cardaliaguet (2008)
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations
We investigate the regularity of solutions of first order Hamilton-Jacobi equation with super linear growth in the gradient variable. We show that the solutions are locally Hölder continuous with Hölder exponent depending only on the growth of the Hamiltonian. The proof relies on a reverse Hölder inequality.
Yifeng Yu (2006)
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze
In Albano-Cannarsa [1] the authors proved that, under some conditions, the singularities of the semiconcave viscosity solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation propagate along generalized characteristics. In this note we will provide a simple proof of this interesting result.
Filippo Cagnetti, Diogo Gomes, Hung Vinh Tran (2013)
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations
The adjoint method, recently introduced by Evans, is used to study obstacle problems, weakly coupled systems, cell problems for weakly coupled systems of Hamilton − Jacobi equations, and weakly coupled systems of obstacle type. In particular, new results about the speed of convergence of some approximation procedures are derived.
Antonio Siconolfi (2003)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Analyse non linéaire
Daniel Le Bail (1985)
Publications mathématiques et informatique de Rennes
John Guckenheimer (1973)
Annales de l'institut Fourier
This paper outlines the manner in which Thom’s theory of catastrophes fits into the Hamilton-Jacobi theory of partial differential equations. The representation of solutions of a first order partial differential equation as lagrangian manifolds allows one to study the local structure of their singularities. The structure of generic singularities is closely related to Thom’s concept of the elementary catastrophe associated to a singularity. Three concepts of the stability of a singularity are discussed....
Ester Giarrusso, Diana Nunziante (1985)
Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques
Patrick Bernard (2002)
Annales de l’institut Fourier
We generalize to higher dimension results of Birkhoff and Mather on the existence of orbits wandering in regions of instability of twist maps. This generalization is strongly inspired by the one proposed by Mather. However, its advantage is that it contains most of the results of Birkhoff and Mather on twist maps.
Masatake Miyake, Akira Shirai (2000)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
We study the convergence or divergence of formal (power series) solutions of first order nonlinear partial differential equations (SE) f(x,u,Dx u) = 0 with u(0)=0. Here the function f(x,u,ξ) is defined and holomorphic in a neighbourhood of a point and . The equation (SE) is said to be singular if f(0,0,ξ) ≡ 0 . The criterion of convergence of a formal solution of (SE) is given by a generalized form of the Poincaré condition which depends on each formal solution. In the case where the formal...
Michele Carriero, Antonio Leaci, Eduardo Pascali (1982)
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni
In this paper we present a few results on convergence for the prime integrals equations connected with the bounce problem. This approach allows both to prove uniqueness for the one-dimensional bounce problem for almost all permissible Cauchy data (see also [6]) and to deepen previous results (see [3], [5], [7]).
A. Mayer (1872)
Nachrichten von der Königl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften und der Georg-Augusts-Universität zu Göttingen
D. Edelen (1978)
Banach Center Publications
Christophe Buet, Stéphane Cordier, Brigitte Lucquin-Desreux, Simona Mancini (2002)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
This paper deals with the diffusion limit of a kinetic equation where the collisions are modeled by a Lorentz type operator. The main aim is to construct a discrete scheme to approximate this equation which gives for any value of the Knudsen number, and in particular at the diffusive limit, the right discrete diffusion equation with the same value of the diffusion coefficient as in the continuous case. We are also naturally interested with a discretization which can be used with few velocity discretization...
Christophe Buet, Stéphane Cordier, Brigitte Lucquin-Desreux, Simona Mancini (2010)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
This paper deals with the diffusion limit of a kinetic equation where the collisions are modeled by a Lorentz type operator. The main aim is to construct a discrete scheme to approximate this equation which gives for any value of the Knudsen number, and in particular at the diffusive limit, the right discrete diffusion equation with the same value of the diffusion coefficient as in the continuous case. We are also naturally interested with a discretization which can be used with few velocity discretization...
G. Barles, B. Perthame (1987)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
Juan L. Vazquez (1983)
Manuscripta mathematica
Sahbi Boussandel (2019)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
This paper is devoted to the existence and uniqueness of solutions for gradient systems of evolution which involve gradients taken with respect to time-variable inner products. The Gelfand triple considered in the setting of this paper is such that the embedding is only continuous.
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