On the second boundary value problem for equations of Monge-Ampère type.
In this paper a -regularity result for the strong viscosity solutions to the prescribed Levi-curvature equation is announced. As an application, starting from a result by Z. Slodkowski and G. Tomassini, the -solvability of the Dirichlet problem related to the same equation is showed.
We apply a theoretical framework for solving a class of worst scenario problems to a problem with a nonlinear partial differential equation. In contrast to the one-dimensional problem investigated by P. Harasim in Appl. Math. 53 (2008), No. 6, 583–598, the two-dimensional problem requires stronger assumptions restricting the admissible set to ensure the monotonicity of the nonlinear operator in the examined state problem, and, as a result, to show the existence and uniqueness of the state solution....
On se propose d’étudier des équations aux dérivées partielles non linéaires du type de Fuchs au sens de Baouendi-Goulaouic ([1] et [2]) dans des espaces de fonctions suffisamment différentiables par rapport à la variable fuchsienne et dans des espaces de Gevrey par rapport aux autres variables. Les méthodes utilisées reposent sur le formalisme des séries formelles Gevrey développé dans [13] et adapté aux équations du type de Fuchs dans [6] et [7]. On obtient ainsi des théorèmes qui généralisent...
We consider optimal control problems for the bidomain equations of cardiac electrophysiology together with two-variable ionic models, e.g. the Rogers–McCulloch model. After ensuring the existence of global minimizers, we provide a rigorous proof for the system of first-order necessary optimality conditions. The proof is based on a stability estimate for the primal equations and an existence theorem for weak solutions of the adjoint system.