En ε-uniformly convergent non-conforming finite element method for a singularly perturbed elliptic problem in two dimensions
We consider the problem of electrical impedance tomography where conductivity distribution in a domain is to be reconstructed from boundary measurements of voltage and currents. It is well-known that this problem is highly illposed. In this work, we propose the use of the Mumford–Shah functional, developed for segmentation and denoising of images, as a regularization. After establishing existence properties of the resulting variational problem, we proceed by demonstrating the approach in several...
We consider the problem of electrical impedance tomography where conductivity distribution in a domain is to be reconstructed from boundary measurements of voltage and currents. It is well-known that this problem is highly illposed. In this work, we propose the use of the Mumford–Shah functional, developed for segmentation and denoising of images, as a regularization. After establishing existence properties of the resulting variational problem, we proceed by demonstrating the approach in several...
Les méthodes sans maillage emploient une interpolation associée à un ensemble de particules : aucune information concernant la connectivité ne doit être fournie. Un des atouts de ces méthodes est que la discrétisation peut être enrichie d’une façon très simple, soit en augmentant le nombre de particules (analogue à la stratégie de raffinement ), soit en augmentant l’ordre de consistance (analogue à la stratégie de raffinement ). Néanmoins, le coût du calcul des fonctions d’interpolation est très...
Les méthodes sans maillage emploient une interpolation associée à un ensemble de particules : aucune information concernant la connectivité ne doit être fournie. Un des atouts de ces méthodes est que la discrétisation peut être enrichie d'une façon très simple, soit en augmentant le nombre de particules (analogue à la stratégie de raffinement h), soit en augmentant l'ordre de consistance (analogue à la stratégie de raffinement p). Néanmoins, le coût du calcul des fonctions d'interpolation est...
We study a class of anisotropic nonlinear elliptic equations with variable exponent p⃗(·) growth. We obtain the existence of entropy solutions by using the truncation technique and some a priori estimates.
We consider the lowest-order Raviart–Thomas mixed finite element method for second-order elliptic problems on simplicial meshes in two and three space dimensions. This method produces saddle-point problems for scalar and flux unknowns. We show how to easily and locally eliminate the flux unknowns, which implies the equivalence between this method and a particular multi-point finite volume scheme, without any approximate numerical integration. The matrix of the final linear system is sparse, positive...
We present equivalent conditions and asymptotic models for the diffraction problem of elastic and acoustic waves in a solid medium surrounded by a thin layer of fluid medium. Due to the thinness of the layer with respect to the wavelength, this problem is well suited for the notion of equivalent conditions and the effect of the fluid medium on the solid is as a first approximation local. We derive and validate equivalent conditions up to the fourth order for the elastic displacement. These conditions...
Interest in meshfree methods in solving boundary-value problems has grown rapidly in recent years. A meshless method that has attracted considerable interest in the community of computational mechanics is built around the idea of modified local Shepard’s partition of unity. For these kinds of applications it is fundamental to analyze the order of the approximation in the context of Sobolev spaces. In this paper, we study two different techniques for building modified local Shepard’s formulas, and...
Interest in meshfree methods in solving boundary-value problems has grown rapidly in recent years. A meshless method that has attracted considerable interest in the community of computational mechanics is built around the idea of modified local Shepard's partition of unity. For these kinds of applications it is fundamental to analyze the order of the approximation in the context of Sobolev spaces. In this paper, we study two different techniques for building modified local Shepard's formulas, and...