Displaying 781 – 800 of 851

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Un risultato di perturbazione per una classe di problemi ellittici variazionali di tipo superlineare

Luisa Di Piazza (1989)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si considera il problema al contorno - Δ u = f ( x , u ) + ϵ ψ ( x , u ) in Ω , u | Ω = 0 , dove Ω n è un aperto limitato e connesso ed ϵ è un parametro reale. Si prova che, se f ( x , s ) + ϵ ψ ( x , s ) è «superlineare» ed ϵ è abbastanza piccolo, il problema precedente ha almeno tre soluzioni distinte.

Uniqueness of solutions for some elliptic equations with a quadratic gradient term

David Arcoya, Sergio Segura de León (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study a comparison principle and uniqueness of positive solutions for the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary value problem associated to quasi-linear elliptic equations with lower order terms. A model example is given by - Δ u + λ | u | 2 u r = f ( x ) , λ , r > 0 . The main feature of these equations consists in having a quadratic gradient term in which singularities are allowed. The arguments employed here also work to deal with equations having lack of ellipticity or some dependence on u in the right hand side. Furthermore, they...

Vertical compaction in a faulted sedimentary basin

Gérard Gagneux, Roland Masson, Anne Plouvier-Debaigt, Guy Vallet, Sylvie Wolf (2003)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this paper, we consider a 2D mathematical modelling of the vertical compaction effect in a water saturated sedimentary basin. This model is described by the usual conservation laws, Darcy’s law, the porosity as a function of the vertical component of the effective stress and the Kozeny-Carman tensor, taking into account fracturation effects. This model leads to study the time discretization of a nonlinear system of partial differential equations. The existence is obtained by a fixed-point argument....

Vertical compaction in a faulted sedimentary basin

Gérard Gagneux, Roland Masson, Anne Plouvier-Debaigt, Guy Vallet, Sylvie Wolf (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper, we consider a 2D mathematical modelling of the vertical compaction effect in a water saturated sedimentary basin. This model is described by the usual conservation laws, Darcy's law, the porosity as a function of the vertical component of the effective stress and the Kozeny-Carman tensor, taking into account fracturation effects. This model leads to study the time discretization of a nonlinear system of partial differential equations. The existence is obtained by a fixed-point argument....

Very weak solutions of the stationary Stokes equations in unbounded domains of half space type

Reinhard Farwig, Jonas Sauer (2015)

Mathematica Bohemica

We consider the theory of very weak solutions of the stationary Stokes system with nonhomogeneous boundary data and divergence in domains of half space type, such as + n , bent half spaces whose boundary can be written as the graph of a Lipschitz function, perturbed half spaces as local but possibly large perturbations of + n , and in aperture domains. The proofs are based on duality arguments and corresponding results for strong solutions in these domains, which have to be constructed in homogeneous...

Currently displaying 781 – 800 of 851