Semilinear wave equations with angularly smooth data
We discuss the definitions of singular solutions (in the form of integral identities) to systems of conservation laws such as shocks, δ-, δ’-, and -shocks (n = 2,3,...). Using these definitions, the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions for δ- and δ’-shocks are derived. The weak asymptotics method for the solution of the Cauchy problems admitting δ- and δ’-shocks is briefly described. The algebraic aspects of such singular solutions are studied. Namely, explicit formulas for flux-functions of singular solutions...
Nous considérons ici des solutions particulières des systèmes paraboliques de lois de conservation dans le domaine ou bien pour :Nous faisons l’hypothèse que le système réduit est hyperbolique. Notre but est la description de l’interaction d’ondes simples, mono-dimensionnelles, le plus souvent deux ondes exactement. L’une d’elle, au moins, est une onde de choc (pour le système réduit) visqueuse (pour le système parabolique). Il y a donc a priori un champ caractéristique vraiment non linéaire....
A powerfull method has been developped in [2] for the study of -stability of travelling waves in conservation laws or more generally in equations which display -contractivity, maximum principle and mass conservation. We recall shortly the general procedure. We also show that it partly applies to the waves of a model of radiating gas. These waves have first been studied by Kawashima and Nishibata [5,6] in a different framework. Therefore, shock fronts for this model are stable under mild perturbations....
In this paper we study the stability of transonic strong shock solutions of the steady state one-dimensional unipolar hydrodynamic model for semiconductors in the isentropic case. The approach is based on the construction of a pseudo-local symmetrizer and on the paradifferential calculus with parameters, which combines the work of Bony-Meyer and the introduction of a large parameter.