Random data Cauchy problem for supercritical Schrödinger equations
In this paper, we review some of our recent results in the study of the dynamics of interacting Bose gases in the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) limit. Our investigations focus on the well-posedness of the associated Cauchy problem for the infinite particle system described by the GP hierarchy.
In the talk we shall present some recent results obtained with F. Merle about compactness of blow up solutions of the critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation for initial data in . They are based on and are complementary to some previous work of J. Bourgain about the concentration of the solution when it approaches to the blow up time.
We concentrate on the analysis of the critical mass blowing-up solutions for the cubic focusing Schrödinger equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions, posed on a plane domain. We bound from below the blow-up rate for bounded and unbounded domains. If the blow-up occurs on the boundary, the blow-up rate is proved to grow faster than , the expected one. Moreover, we state that blow-up cannot occur on the boundary, under certain geometric conditions on the domain.
In this paper we concentrate on the analysis of the critical mass blowing-up solutions for the cubic focusing Schrödinger equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions, posed on a plane domain. We bound the blow-up rate from below, for bounded and unbounded domains. If the blow-up occurs on the boundary, the blow-up rate is proved to grow faster than , the expected one. Moreover, we show that blow-up cannot occur on the boundary, under certain geometric conditions on the domain.