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Markov partitions for fibre expanding systems

Manfred Denker, Hajo Holzmann (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Fibre expanding systems have been introduced by Denker and Gordin. Here we show the existence of a finite partition for such systems which is fibrewise a Markov partition. Such partitions have direct applications to the Abramov-Rokhlin formula for relative entropy and certain polynomial endomorphisms of ℂ².

Matings and the other side of the dictionary

John Hubbard (2012)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

In the theory of rational maps an important role is played by matings. These are probably the best understood of all rational functions, but they are bizarre, and involve gluing dendrites together to get spheres carrying Peano curves. In the theory of Kleinian groups, there is a parallel construction, the construction of double limits, that is central to Thurston’s hyperbolization theorem for 3-manifolds that fiber over the circle with pseudo-Anosov monodromy. It also involves gluing dendrites and...

Matrix coefficients, counting and primes for orbits of geometrically finite groups

Amir Mohammadi, Hee Oh (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let G : = SO ( n , 1 ) and Γ ( n - 1 ) / 2 for n = 2 , 3 and when δ > n - 2 for n 4 , we obtain an effective archimedean counting result for a discrete orbit of Γ in a homogeneous space H G where H is the trivial group, a symmetric subgroup or a horospherical subgroup. More precisely, we show that for any effectively well-rounded family { T H G } of compact subsets, there exists η > 0 such that # [ e ] Γ T = ( T ) + O ( ( T ) 1 - η ) for an explicit measure on H G which depends on Γ . We also apply the affine sieve and describe the distribution of almost primes on orbits of Γ in arithmetic settings....

Mesures invariantes pour les fractions rationnelles géométriquement finies

Guillaume Havard (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let T be a geometrically finite rational map, p(T) its petal number and δ the Hausdorff dimension of its Julia set. We give a construction of the σ-finite and T-invariant measure equivalent to the δ-conformal measure. We prove that this measure is finite if and only if p ( T ) + 1 p ( T ) δ > 2 . Under this assumption and if T is parabolic, we prove that the only equilibrium states are convex combinations of the T-invariant probability and δ-masses at parabolic cycles.

Méthodes de changement d’échelles en analyse complexe

François Berteloot (2006)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Nous mettons en perspective différentes méthodes de changement d’échelles et illustrons leur pertinence en mettant sur pieds des preuves simples et élémentaires de plusieurs théorèmes biens connus en analyse ou géométrie complexe. Les situations abordées sont variées et la plupart des théorèmes démontrés sont des classiques initialement obtenus entre la fin du xixe  et la seconde moitié du xxe  siècle.

Minimal, rigid foliations by curves on n

Frank Loray, Julio C. Rebelo (2003)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove the existence of minimal and rigid singular holomorphic foliations by curves on the projective space n for every dimension n 2 and every degree d 2 . Precisely, we construct a foliation which is induced by a homogeneous vector field of degree d , has a finite singular set and all the regular leaves are dense in the whole of n . Moreover, satisfies many additional properties expected from chaotic dynamics and is rigid in the following sense: if is conjugate to another holomorphic foliation...

Misiurewicz maps unfold generically (even if they are critically non-finite)

Sebastian van Strien (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that in normalized families of polynomial or rational maps, Misiurewicz maps (critically finite or infinite) unfold generically. For example, if f λ 0 is critically finite with non-degenerate critical point c 1 ( λ 0 ) , . . . , c n ( λ 0 ) such that f λ 0 k i ( c i ( λ 0 ) ) = p i ( λ 0 ) are hyperbolic periodic points for i = 1,...,n, then  IV-1. Age impartible......................................................................................................................................................................... 31   λ ( f λ k 1 ( c 1 ( λ ) ) - p 1 ( λ ) , . . . , f λ k d - 2 ( c d - 2 ( λ ) ) - p d - 2 ( λ ) ) is a local diffeomorphism...

Modulus of analytic classification for the generic unfolding of a codimension 1 resonant diffeomorphism or resonant saddle

Christiane Rousseau, Colin Christopher (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We consider germs of one-parameter generic families of resonant analytic diffeomorphims and we give a complete modulus of analytic classification by means of the unfolding of the Écalle modulus. We describe the parametric resurgence phenomenon. We apply this to give a complete modulus of orbital analytic classification for the unfolding of a generic resonant saddle of a 2-dimensional vector field by means of the unfolding of its holonomy map. Here again the modulus is an unfolding of the Martinet-Ramis...

Monodromy and topological classification of germs of holomorphic foliations

David Marín, Jean-François Mattei (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We give a complete topological classification of germs of holomorphic foliations in the plane under rather generic conditions. The key point is the introduction of a new topological invariant called monodromy representation. This monodromy contains all the relevant dynamical information, in particular the projective holonomy representations whose topological invariance was conjectured in the eighties by Cerveau and Sad and is proved here under mild hypotheses.

Most expanding maps have no absolutely continuous invariant measure

Anthony Quas (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We consider the topological category of various subsets of the set of expanding maps from a manifold to itself, and show in particular that a generic C 1 expanding map of the circle has no absolutely continuous invariant probability measure. This is in contrast with the situation for C 2 or C 1 + ε expanding maps, for which it is known that there is always a unique absolutely continuous invariant probability measure.

Multidimensional self-affine sets: non-empty interior and the set of uniqueness

Kevin G. Hare, Nikita Sidorov (2015)

Studia Mathematica

Let M be a d × d real contracting matrix. We consider the self-affine iterated function system Mv-u, Mv+u, where u is a cyclic vector. Our main result is as follows: if | d e t M | 2 - 1 / d , then the attractor A M has non-empty interior. We also consider the set M of points in A M which have a unique address. We show that unless M belongs to a very special (non-generic) class, the Hausdorff dimension of M is positive. For this special class the full description of M is given as well. This paper continues our work begun...

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