Displaying 81 – 100 of 352

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Coexisting cycles in a class of 3-D discrete maps

Anna Agliari (2012)

ESAIM: Proceedings

In this paper we consider the class of three-dimensional discrete maps M (x, y, z) = [φ(y), φ(z), φ(x)], where φ : ℝ → ℝ is an endomorphism. We show that all the cycles of the 3-D map M can be obtained by those of φ(x), as well as their local bifurcations. In particular we obtain that any local bifurcation is of co-dimension 3, that is three eigenvalues cross simultaneously the unit circle. As the map M exhibits coexistence...

Conjugation to a shift and the splitting of invariant manifolds

Vassiliĭ Gelfreich (1997)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We give sufficient conditions for a diffeomorphism in the plane to be analytically conjugate to a shift in a complex neighborhood of a segment of an invariant curve. For a family of functions close to the identity uniform estimates are established. As a consequence an exponential upper estimate for splitting of separatrices is established for diffeomorphisms of the plane close to the identity. The constant in the exponent is related to the width of the analyticity domain of the limit flow separatrix....

Construction of 0-1 matrices associated to period-doubling processes.

J. P. Lampreia, A. Rica da Silva, J. Sousa Ramos (1985)


We elaborate a method allowing the determination of 0-1 matrices corresponding to dynamics of the interval having stable, 2k-periodic orbits, k belonging to N. By recurrence on the finite dimensional matrices, we establish the form of the infinite matrices (k --> ∞).

Convergence results for periodic solutions of nonautonomous Hamiltonian systems

Mario Girardi, Michele Matzeu (1990)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

We prove some stability results for a certain class of periodic solutions of nonautonomous Hamiltonian systems in the case of Hamiltonian functions either with subquadratic growth or homogeneous with superquadratic growth. Thus we extend to the nonautonomous case some results recently established by the Authors for the autonomous case.

Différentiabilité des conjugaisons entre systèmes dynamiques de dimension 1

Étienne Ghys, Takashi Tsuboi (1988)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Si deux systèmes dynamiques de dimension 1 et de classe C r sont C 1 -conjugués, dans quelles conditions sont-ils C r -conjugués ? Par “système dynamique de dimension 1”, nous entendons ici un feuilletage de codimension 1 ou une application du cercle dans lui-même. Nous donnons des conditions très faibles pour que la réponse à la question précédente soit positive.

Doubling bifurcation of a closed invariant curve in 3D maps

Laura Gardini, Iryna Sushko (2012)

ESAIM: Proceedings

The object of the present paper is to give a qualitative description of the bifurcation mechanisms associated with a closed invariant curve in three-dimensional maps, leading to its doubling, not related to a standard doubling of tori. We propose an explanation on how a closed invariant attracting curve, born via Neimark-Sacker bifurcation, can be transformed into a repelling one giving birth to a new attracting closed invariant curve which has doubled...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 352