Displaying 341 – 360 of 912

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Invariance of global solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation

Ezequiel Maderna (2002)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We show that every global viscosity solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation associated with a convex and superlinear Hamiltonian on the cotangent bundle of a closed manifold is necessarily invariant under the identity component of the group of symmetries of the Hamiltonian (we prove that this group is a compact Lie group). In particular, every Lagrangian section invariant under the Hamiltonian flow is also invariant under this group.

Invariant vector fields of Hamiltonians

Jacek Dębecki (1998)

Archivum Mathematicum

A complete classification of natural transformations of Hamiltonians into vector fields on symplectic manifolds is given herein.

Invariants homotopiques attachés aux fibrés symplectiques

Pierre Dazord (1979)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On donne une construction géométrique d’invariants généralisant la classe de Maslov-Arnold d’une immersion lagrangienne dans un fibré cotangent et l’indice de Maslov-Arnold-Leray d’une immersion lagrangienne 2 q -orientée dans R n R n * : la classe de Maslov-Arnold universelle d’un fibré symplectique et l’indice de Maslov-Arnold-Leray d’un fibré q -symplectique, c’est-à-dire dont le groupe structural est le revêtement à q feuillets de S p ( n ) . Tout ceci relève d’une situation géométrique générale dans laquelle s’introduisent...

Invariants of complex structures on nilmanifolds

Edwin Alejandro Rodríguez Valencia (2015)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let ( N , J ) be a simply connected 2 n -dimensional nilpotent Lie group endowed with an invariant complex structure. We define a left invariant Riemannian metric on N compatible with J to be minimal, if it minimizes the norm of the invariant part of the Ricci tensor among all compatible metrics with the same scalar curvature. In [7], J. Lauret proved that minimal metrics (if any) are unique up to isometry and scaling. This uniqueness allows us to distinguish two complex structures with Riemannian data, giving...

Invariants symplectiques et semi-classiques des systèmes intégrables avec singularités

San Vũ Ngọc (2000/2001)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

On définit les notions de feuilletages classiques et semi-classiques pour les systèmes complètement intégrables avec singularités. Les résultats de classification standard (telles les coordonnées actions-angles semi-classiques) sont rappelés. Le cas du feuilletage classique de type foyer-foyer est examiné en détail, où des nouveaux invariants semi-globaux apparaissent. Ces invariants sont identifiés dans les conditions de Bohr-Sommerfeld singulières qui donnent le spectre conjoint au voisinage d’une...

Involutions of real intervals

Gaetano Zampieri (2014)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

This paper shows a simple construction of continuous involutions of real intervals in terms of continuous even functions. We also study smooth involutions defined by symmetric equations. Finally, we review some applications, in particular a characterization of isochronous potentials by means of smooth involutions.

Isomorphisms of Poisson and Jacobi brackets

Janusz Grabowski (2000)

Banach Center Publications

We present a general theorem describing the isomorphisms of the local Lie algebra structures on the spaces of smooth (real-analytic or holomorphic) functions on smooth (resp. real-analytic, Stein) manifolds, as, for example, those given by Poisson or contact structures. We admit degenerate structures as well, which seems to be new in the literature.

Isospectrality for quantum toric integrable systems

Laurent Charles, Álvaro Pelayo, San Vũ Ngoc (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We give a full description of the semiclassical spectral theory of quantum toric integrable systems using microlocal analysis for Toeplitz operators. This allows us to settle affirmatively the isospectral problem for quantum toric integrable systems: the semiclassical joint spectrum of the system, given by a sequence of commuting Toeplitz operators on a sequence of Hilbert spaces, determines the classical integrable system given by the symplectic manifold and commuting Hamiltonians. This type of...

Currently displaying 341 – 360 of 912