Separation of variables and the geometry of Jacobians.
A unified geometric approach to nonholonomic constrained mechanical systems is applied to several concrete problems from the classical mechanics of particles and rigid bodies. In every of these examples the given constraint conditions are analysed, a corresponding constraint submanifold in the phase space is considered, the corresponding constrained mechanical system is modelled on the constraint submanifold, the reduced equations of motion of this system (i.e. equations of motion defined on the...
The purpose of this paper is to develop the basics of a theory of Hamiltonian systems with non-differentiable Hamilton functions which have become important in symplectic topology. A characteristic differential inclusion is introduced and its equivalence to Hamiltonian inclusions for certain convex Hamiltonians is established. We give two counterexamples showing that basic properties of smooth systems are violated for non-smooth quasiconvex submersions, e.g. even the energy conservation which nevertheless...
In the first half of the paper, we consider singularities of infinitesimal contact transformations and first order partial differential equations, the main results being related to the classical Sternberg-Chen theorem for hyperbolic germs of vector fields. The second half explains how to construct global generating phase functions for solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations and see what their singularities look like.
We study germs of singular holomorphic vector fields at the origin of of which the linear part is -resonant and which have a polynomial normal form. The formal normalizing diffeomorphism is usually divergent at the origin but there exists holomorphic diffeomorphisms in some “sectorial domains” which transform these vector fields into their normal form. In this article, we study the interplay between the small divisors phenomenon and the Gevrey character of the sectorial normalizing diffeomorphisms....
We study germs of smooth vector fields in a neighborhood of a fixed point having an hyperbolic linear part at this point. It is well known that the “small divisors” are invisible either for the smooth linearization or normal form problem. We prove that this is completely different in the smooth Gevrey category. We prove that a germ of smooth -Gevrey vector field with an hyperbolic linear part admits a smooth -Gevrey transformation to a smooth -Gevrey normal form. The Gevrey order depends on...
A mathematical model is proposed in order to describe the behaviour of mechanical systems with constraints.
Presentiamo nuovi risultati di esistenza e molteplicità di soluzioni periodiche di piccola ampiezza per equazioni alle derivate parziali Hamiltoniane. Otteniamo soluzioni periodiche di equazioni «completamente risonanti» aventi nonlinearità generali grazie ad una riduzione di tipo Lyapunov-Schmidt variazionale ed usando argomenti di min-max. Per equazioni «non risonanti» dimostriamo l'esistenza di soluzioni periodiche di tipo Birkhoff-Lewis, mediante un'opportuna forma normale di Birkhoff e realizzando...
Given a Lagrangian system with non-holonomic constraints we construct an almost product structure on the tangent bundle of the configuration manifold such that the projection of the Euler-Lagrange vector field gives the dynamics of the system. In a degenerate case, we develop a constraint algorithm which determines a final constraint submanifold where a completely consistent dynamics of the initial system exists.