Displaying 61 – 80 of 163

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Compactness and countable compactness in weak topologies

W. Kirk (1995)

Studia Mathematica

A bounded closed convex set K in a Banach space X is said to have quasi-normal structure if each bounded closed convex subset H of K for which diam(H) > 0 contains a point u for which ∥u-x∥ < diam(H) for each x ∈ H. It is shown that if the convex sets on the unit sphere in X satisfy this condition (which is much weaker than the assumption that convex sets on the unit sphere are separable), then relative to various weak topologies, the unit ball in X is compact whenever it is countably compact....

Compactness in the First Baire Class and Baire-1 Operators

Mercourakis, S., Stamati, E. (2002)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

For a polish space M and a Banach space E let B1 (M, E) be the space of first Baire class functions from M to E, endowed with the pointwise weak topology. We study the compact subsets of B1 (M, E) and show that the fundamental results proved by Rosenthal, Bourgain, Fremlin, Talagrand and Godefroy, in case E = R, also hold true in the general case. For instance: a subset of B1 (M, E) is compact iff it is sequentially (resp. countably) compact, the convex hull of a compact bounded subset of B1 (M,...

Complementation in spaces of symmetric tensor products and polynomials.

Fernando Blasco (1996)

Extracta Mathematicae

Our aim here is to announce some properties of complementation for spaces of symmetric tensor products and homogeneous continuous polynomials on a locally convex space E that have, in particular, consequences in the study of the property (BB)n,s recently introduced by Dineen [8].

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 163