O спектре операторов в идеальных пространствах
We show that the poles of a resolvent coincide with the poles of its weak resolvent up to their orders, for operators on Hilbert space which have some cyclic properties. Using this, we show that a theorem similar to the Mlak theorem holds under milder conditions, if a given operator and its adjoint have cyclic vectors.
For a bounded and sectorial linear operator V in a Banach space, with spectrum in the open unit disc, we study the operator . We show, for example, that Ṽ is sectorial, and asymptotically of type 0. If V has single-point spectrum 0, then Ṽ is of type 0 with a single-point spectrum, and the operator I-Ṽ satisfies the Ritt resolvent condition. These results generalize an example of Lyubich, who studied the case where V is a classical Volterra operator.
Let , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, be Banach spaces obtained via complex interpolation. With suitable hypotheses, linear operators T that act boundedly on both and will act boundedly on each . Let denote such an operator when considered on , and denote its spectrum. We are motivated by the question of whether or not the map is continuous on (0,1); this question remains open. In this paper, we study continuity of two related maps: (polynomially convex hull) and (boundary of the polynomially convex...