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Perron-Frobenius and Krein-Rutman theorems for tangentially positive operators

Adam Kanigowski, Wojciech Kryszewski (2012)

Open Mathematics

We study several aspects of a generalized Perron-Frobenius and Krein-Rutman theorems concerning spectral properties of a (possibly unbounded) linear operator on a cone in a Banach space. The operator is subject to the so-called tangency or weak range assumptions implying the resolvent invariance of the cone. The further assumptions rely on relations between the spectral and essential spectral bounds of the operator. In general we do not assume that the cone induces the Banach lattice structure into...

Perturbation and spectral discontinuity in Banach algebras

Rudi Brits (2011)

Studia Mathematica

We extend an example of B. Aupetit, which illustrates spectral discontinuity for operators on an infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space, to a general spectral discontinuity result in abstract Banach algebras. This can then be used to show that given any Banach algebra, Y, one may adjoin to Y a non-commutative inessential ideal, I, so that in the resulting algebra, A, the following holds: To each x ∈ Y whose spectrum separates the plane there corresponds a perturbation of x, of the form z =...

Perturbation theory relative to a Banach algebra of operators

Bruce Barnes (1993)

Studia Mathematica

Let ℬ be a Banach algebra of bounded linear operators on a Banach space X. Let S be a closed linear operator in X, and let R be a linear operator in X. In this paper the spectral and Fredholm theory relative to ℬ of the perturbed operator S + R is developed. In particular, the situation where R is S-inessential relative to ℬ is studied. Several examples are given to illustrate the usefulness of these concepts.

Polaroid type operators and compact perturbations

Chun Guang Li, Ting Ting Zhou (2014)

Studia Mathematica

A bounded linear operator T acting on a Hilbert space is said to be polaroid if each isolated point in the spectrum is a pole of the resolvent of T. There are several generalizations of the polaroid property. We investigate compact perturbations of polaroid type operators. We prove that, given an operator T and ε > 0, there exists a compact operator K with ||K|| < ε such that T + K is polaroid. Moreover, we characterize those operators for which a certain polaroid type property is stable under...

Polaroid type operators under perturbations

Pietro Aiena, Elvis Aponte (2013)

Studia Mathematica

A bounded operator T defined on a Banach space is said to be polaroid if every isolated point of the spectrum is a pole of the resolvent. The "polaroid" condition is related to the conditions of being left polaroid, right polaroid, or a-polaroid. In this paper we explore all these conditions under commuting perturbations K. As a consequence, we give a general framework from which we obtain, and also extend, recent results concerning Weyl type theorems (generalized or not) for T + K, where K is an...

Polynomials in the Volterra and Ritt operators

Dashdondog Tsedenbayar, Jaroslav Zemánek (2005)

Banach Center Publications

We continue the paper [Ts] on the boundedness of polynomials in the Volterra operator. This provides new ways of constructing power-bounded operators. It seems interesting to point out that a similar procedure applies to the operators satisfying the Ritt resolvent condition: compare Theorem 5 and Theorem 9 below.

Power-bounded elements and radical Banach algebras

Graham Allan (1997)

Banach Center Publications

Firstly, we give extensions of results of Gelfand, Esterle and Katznelson--Tzafriri on power-bounded operators. Secondly, some results and questions relating to power-bounded elements in the unitization of a commutative radical Banach algebra are discussed.

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