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Perturbation theorems for Hermitian elements in Banach algebras

Rajendra Bhatia, Driss Drissi (1999)

Studia Mathematica

Two well-known theorems for Hermitian elements in C*-algebras are extended to Banach algebras. The first concerns the solution of the equation ax - xb = y, and the second gives sharp bounds for the distance between spectra of a and b when a, b are Hermitian.

Perturbation theorems for local integrated semigroups and their applications

Sheng Wang Wang, Mei Ying Wang, Yan Shen (2005)

Studia Mathematica

Motivated by a great deal of interest in operators that may not be densely defined and do not generate global integrated semigroups, we establish general perturbation theorems for local integrated semigroups and describe their applications to local complete second order abstract differential equations.

Perturbations of operators similar to contractions and the commutator equation

C. Badea (2002)

Studia Mathematica

Let T and V be two Hilbert space contractions and let X be a linear bounded operator. It was proved by C. Foiaş and J. P. Williams that in certain cases the operator block matrix R(X;T,V) (equation (1.1) below) is similar to a contraction if and only if the commutator equation X = TZ-ZV has a bounded solution Z. We characterize here the similarity to contractions of some operator matrices R(X;T,V) in terms of growth conditions or of perturbations of R(0;T,V) = T ⊕ V.

Perturbations of the H∞-calculus

N.J. Kalton (2007)

Collectanea Mathematica

Suppose A is a sectorial operator on a Banach space X, which admits an H∞-calculus. We study conditions on a multiplicative perturbation B of A which ensure that B also has an H∞-calculus. We identify a class of bounded operators T : X→X, which we call strongly triangular, such that if B = (1 + T) A is sectorial then it also has an H∞-calculus. In the case X is a Hilbert space an operator is strongly triangular if and only if ∑ Sn(T)/n <∞ where (Sn(T))n=1∞ are the singular values of T.

Perturbed Toeplitz operators and radial determinantal processes

Torsten Ehrhardt, Brian Rider (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We study a class of rotation invariant determinantal ensembles in the complex plane; examples include the eigenvalues of Gaussian random matrices and the roots of certain families of random polynomials. The main result is a criterion for a central limit theorem to hold for angular statistics of the points. The proof exploits an exact formula relating the generating function of such statistics to the determinant of a perturbed Toeplitz matrix.

Pexider type operators and their norms in X λ spaces

Abbas Najati, Themistocles M. Rassias (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we introduce Pexiderized generalized operators on certain special spaces introduced by Bielecki-Czerwik and investigate their norms.

Plus-operators in Krein spaces and dichotomous behavior of irreversible dynamical systems with discrete time

V. Khatskevich, L. Zelenko (2006)

Studia Mathematica

We study dichotomous behavior of solutions to a non-autonomous linear difference equation in a Hilbert space. The evolution operator of this equation is not continuously invertible and the corresponding unstable subspace is of infinite dimension in general. We formulate a condition ensuring the dichotomy in terms of a sequence of indefinite metrics in the Hilbert space. We also construct an example of a difference equation in which dichotomous behavior of solutions is not compatible with the signature...

Podal subspaces on the unit polydisk

Kunyu Guo (2002)

Studia Mathematica

Beurling's classical theorem gives a complete characterization of all invariant subspaces in the Hardy space H²(D). To generalize the theorem to higher dimensions, one is naturally led to determining the structure of each unitary equivalence (resp. similarity) class. This, in turn, requires finding podal (resp. s-podal) points in unitary (resp. similarity) orbits. In this note, we find that H-outer (resp. G-outer) functions play an important role in finding podal (resp. s-podal) points. By the methods...

Points fixes et théorèmes ergodiques dans les espaces L¹(E)

Mourad Besbes (1992)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that for each linear contraction T : X → X (∥T∥ ≤ 1), the subspace F = {x ∈ X : Tx = x} of fixed points is 1-complemented, where X is a suitable subspace of L¹(E*) and E* is a separable dual space such that the weak and weak* topologies coincide on the unit sphere. We also prove some related fixed point results.

Pointwise limit theorem for a class of unbounded operators in r -spaces

Ryszard Jajte (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We distinguish a class of unbounded operators in r , r ≥ 1, related to the self-adjoint operators in ². For these operators we prove a kind of individual ergodic theorem, replacing the classical Cesàro averages by Borel summability. The result is equivalent to a version of Gaposhkin’s criterion for the a.e. convergence of operators. In the proof, the theory of martingales and interpolation in r -spaces are applied.

Pointwise multiplication operators on weighted Banach spaces of analytic functions

J. Bonet, P. Domański, M. Lindström (1999)

Studia Mathematica

For a wide class of weights we find the approximative point spectrum and the essential spectrum of the pointwise multiplication operator M φ , M φ ( f ) = φ f , on the weighted Banach spaces of analytic functions on the disc with the sup-norm. Thus we characterize when M φ ' is Fredholm or is an into isomorphism. We also study cyclic phenomena for the adjoint map M φ ' .

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 101