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Filtration de Harder-Narasimhan pour des fibrés complexes ou des faisceaux sans torsion

Laurent Bruasse (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

On généralise dans cet article la notion de filtration de Harder-Narasimhan au cas des fibrés complexes sur une variété presque complexe compacte d'une part, et au cas des faisceaux cohérents sans torsion sur une variété holomorphe d'autre part. On démontre, dans les deux cas, l'existence d'un déstabilisant maximal. On obtient un théorème de convergence en famille et par là-même l'ouverture de la stabilité en déformation.

Gauge theoretical methods in the classification of non-Kählerian surfaces

Andrei Teleman (2009)

Banach Center Publications

The classification of class VII surfaces is a very difficult classical problem in complex geometry. It is considered by experts to be the most important gap in the Enriques-Kodaira classification table for complex surfaces. The standard conjecture concerning this problem states that any minimal class VII surface with b₂ > 0 has b₂ curves. By the results of [Ka1]-[Ka3], [Na1]-[Na3], [DOT], [OT] this conjecture (if true) would solve the classification problem completely. We explain a new approach...

Generating varieties for the triple loop space of classical Lie groups

Yasuhiko Kamiyama (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For G = SU(n), Sp(n) or Spin(n), let C G ( S U ( 2 ) ) be the centralizer of a certain SU(2) in G. We have a natural map J : G / C G ( S U ( 2 ) ) Ω ³ G . For a generator α of H ( G / C G ( S U ( 2 ) ) ; / 2 ) , we describe J⁎(α). In particular, it is proved that J : H ( G / C G ( S U ( 2 ) ) ; / 2 ) H ( Ω ³ G ; / 2 ) is injective.

Hyperholomorphic connections on coherent sheaves and stability

Misha Verbitsky (2011)

Open Mathematics

Let M be a hyperkähler manifold, and F a reflexive sheaf on M. Assume that F (away from its singularities) admits a connection ▿ with a curvature Θ which is invariant under the standard SU(2)-action on 2-forms. If Θ is square-integrable, such sheaf is called hyperholomorphic. Hyperholomorphic sheaves were studied at great length in [21]. Such sheaves are stable and their singular sets are hyperkähler subvarieties in M. In the present paper, we study sheaves admitting a connection with SU(2)-invariant...

Invariance of g -natural metrics on linear frame bundles

Oldřich Kowalski, Masami Sekizawa (2008)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper we prove that each g -natural metric on a linear frame bundle L M over a Riemannian manifold ( M , g ) is invariant with respect to a lifted map of a (local) isometry of the base manifold. Then we define g -natural metrics on the orthonormal frame bundle O M and we prove the same invariance result as above for O M . Hence we see that, over a space ( M , g ) of constant sectional curvature, the bundle O M with an arbitrary g -natural metric G ˜ is locally homogeneous.

Les connexions hypergéométriques et le théorème de linéarité de T. Terasoma

Fayçal Maaref (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Cet article a pour but de calculer les coefficients du caractère du produit alterné des déterminants des connexions de Gauss–Manin associées à une famille de p polynômes sur C n . Nous généralisons et précisons certains résultats de T. Terasoma (Inv. Math., 1992). L’idée de ce travail est de considérer la structure mixte donnée par l’action des translations entières sur les exposants s 1 , ... , s p sur le déterminant de l’image directe de 𝒪 f 1 s 1 ... f p s p et celle de 𝒟 -module.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 116