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Induced almost continuous functions on hyperspaces

Alejandro Illanes (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For a metric continuum X, let C(X) (resp., 2 X ) be the hyperspace of subcontinua (resp., nonempty closed subsets) of X. Let f: X → Y be an almost continuous function. Let C(f): C(X) → C(Y) and 2 f : 2 X 2 Y be the induced functions given by C ( f ) ( A ) = c l Y ( f ( A ) ) and 2 f ( A ) = c l Y ( f ( A ) ) . In this paper, we prove that: • If 2 f is almost continuous, then f is continuous. • If C(f) is almost continuous and X is locally connected, then f is continuous. • If X is not locally connected, then there exists an almost continuous function f: X → [0,1] such that...

Induced near-homeomorphisms

Włodzimierz J. Charatonik (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We construct examples of mappings f and g between locally connected continua such that 2 f and C ( f ) are near-homeomorphisms while f is not, and 2 g is a near-homeomorphism, while g and C ( g ) are not. Similar examples for refinable mappings are constructed.

Kuratowski convergence on compacta and Hausdorff metric convergence on compacta

Primo Brandi, Rita Ceppitelli, Ľubica Holá (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

This paper completes and improves results of [10]. Let ( X , d X ) , ( Y , d Y ) be two metric spaces and G be the space of all Y -valued continuous functions whose domain is a closed subset of X . If X is a locally compact metric space, then the Kuratowski convergence τ K and the Kuratowski convergence on compacta τ K c coincide on G . Thus if X and Y are boundedly compact metric spaces we have the equivalence of the convergence in the Attouch-Wets topology τ A W (generated by the box metric of d X and d Y ) and τ K c convergence on G ,...

Local connectivity, open homogeneity and hyperspaces.

J. J. Charatonik (1993)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

In the first part of the paper behavior of conditions related to local connectivity at a point is discussed if the space is transformed under a mapping that is interior or open at the considered point of the domain. The second part of the paper deals with metric locally connected continua. They are characterized as continua for which the hyperspace of their nonempty closed subjects is homogeneous with respect to open mappings. A similar characterization for the hyperspace of subcontinua remains...

Making holes in the cone, suspension and hyperspaces of some continua

José G. Anaya, Enrique Castañeda-Alvarado, Alejandro Fuentes-Montes de Oca, Fernando Orozco-Zitli (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A connected topological space Z is unicoherent provided that if Z = A B where A and B are closed connected subsets of Z , then A B is connected. Let Z be a unicoherent space, we say that z Z makes a hole in Z if Z - { z } is not unicoherent. In this work the elements that make a hole to the cone and the suspension of a metric space are characterized. We apply this to give the classification of the elements of hyperspaces of some continua that make them hole.

Metrization of function spaces with the Fell topology

Hanbiao Yang (2012)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

For a Tychonoff space X , let C F ( X ) be the family of hypographs of all continuous maps from X to [ 0 , 1 ] endowed with the Fell topology. It is proved that X has a dense separable metrizable locally compact open subset if C F ( X ) is metrizable. Moreover, for a first-countable space X , C F ( X ) is metrizable if and only if X itself is a locally compact separable metrizable space. There exists a Tychonoff space X such that C F ( X ) is metrizable but X is not first-countable.

Movability and limits of polyhedra

V. Laguna, M. Moron, Nhu Nguyen, J. Sanjurjo (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We define a metric d S , called the shape metric, on the hyperspace 2 X of all non-empty compact subsets of a metric space X. Using it we prove that a compactum X in the Hilbert cube is movable if and only if X is the limit of a sequence of polyhedra in the shape metric. This fact is applied to show that the hyperspace ( 2 2 , dS) i s s e p a r a b l e . O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , w e g i v e a n e x a m p l e s h o w i n g t h a t 2ℝ2 i s n o t s e p a r a b l e i n t h e f u n d a m e n t a l m e t r i c i n t r o d u c e d b y B o r s u k .

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 240