Displaying 661 – 680 of 1631

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Intrinsic linking and knotting are arbitrarily complex

Erica Flapan, Blake Mellor, Ramin Naimi (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that, given any n and α, any embedding of any sufficiently large complete graph in ℝ³ contains an oriented link with components Q₁, ..., Qₙ such that for every i ≠ j, | l k ( Q i , Q j ) | α and | a ( Q i ) | α , where a ( Q i ) denotes the second coefficient of the Conway polynomial of Q i .

Introduction to the basics of Heegaard Floer homology

Bijan Sahamie (2013)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

This paper provides an introduction to the basics of Heegaard Floer homology with some emphasis on the hat theory and to the contact geometric invariants in the theory. The exposition is designed to be comprehensible to people without any prior knowledge of the subject.

Invariants of piecewise-linear knots

Richard Randell (1998)

Banach Center Publications

We study numerical and polynomial invariants of piecewise-linear knots, with the goal of better understanding the space of all knots and links. For knots with small numbers of edges we are able to find limits on polynomial or Vassiliev invariants sufficient to determine an exact list of realizable knots. We thus obtain the minimal edge number for all knots with six or fewer crossings. For example, the only knot requiring exactly seven edges is the figure-8 knot.

Involutions of 3-dimensional handlebodies

Andrea Pantaleoni, Riccardo Piergallini (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study the orientation preserving involutions of the orientable 3-dimensional handlebody H g , for any genus g. A complete classification of such involutions is given in terms of their fixed points.

Involutory Hopf group-coalgebras and flat bundles over 3-manifolds

Alexis Virelizier (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Given a group π, we use involutory Hopf π-coalgebras to define a scalar invariant of flat π-bundles over 3-manifolds. When π = 1, this invariant equals the one for 3-manifolds constructed by Kuperberg from involutory Hopf algebras. We give examples which show that this invariant is non-trivial.

Currently displaying 661 – 680 of 1631