Displaying 81 – 100 of 192

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On signatures associated with ramified coverings and embedding problems

J. Wood, Emery Thomas (1973)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Given a cohomology class ξ H 2 ( M ; Z ) there is a smooth submanifold K M Poincaré dual to ξ . A special class of such embeddings is characterized by topological properties which hold for nonsingular algebraic hypersurfaces in C P n . This note summarizes some results on the question: how does the divisibility of ξ restrict the dual submanifolds K in this class ? A formula for signatures associated with a d -fold ramified cover of M branched along K is given and a proof is included in case d = 2 .

On singular cut-and-pastes in the 3-space with applications to link theory.

Fujitsugu Hosokawa, Shin'ichi Suzuki (1995)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

In the study of surfaces in 3-manifolds, the so-called ?cut-and-paste? of surfaces is frequently used. In this paper, we generalize this method, in a sense, to singular-surfaces, and as an application, we prove that two collections of singular-disks in the 3-space R3 which span the same trivial link are link-homotopic in the upper-half 4-space R3 [0,8) keeping the link fixed. Throughout the paper, we work in the piecewise linear category, consisting of simplicial complexes and piecewise linear maps....

On slice knots in the complex projective plane.

Akira Yasuhara (1992)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

We investigate the knots in the boundary of the punctured complex projective plane. Our result gives an affirmative answer to a question raised by Suzuki. As an application, we answer to a question by Mathieu.

On some spaces which are covered by a product space

Izu Vaisman (1977)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

In this note, a topological version of the results obtained, in connection with the de Rham reducibility theorem (Comment. Math. Helv., 26 ( 1952), 328–344), by S. Kashiwabara (Tôhoku Math. J., 8 (1956), 13–28), (Tôhoku Math. J., 11 (1959), 327–350) and Ia. L. Sapiro (Izv. Bysh. Uceb. Zaved. Mat. no6, (1972), 78–85, Russian), (Izv. Bysh. Uceb. Zaved. Mat. no4, (1974), 104–113, Russian) is given. Thus a characterization of a class of topological spaces covered by a product space is obtained and the...

On some ternary operations in knot theory

Maciej Niebrzydowski (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We introduce a way to color the regions of a classical knot diagram using ternary operations, so that the number of colorings is a knot invariant. By choosing appropriate substitutions in the algebras that we assign to diagrams, we obtain the relations from the knot group, and from the core group. Using the ternary operator approach, we generalize the Dehn presentation of the knot group to extra loops, and a similar presentation for the core group to the variety of Moufang loops.

On stability of 3-manifolds

Sławomir Kwasik, Witold Rosicki (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We address the following question: How different can closed, oriented 3-manifolds be if they become homeomorphic after taking a product with a sphere? For geometric 3-manifolds this paper provides a complete answer to this question. For possibly non-geometric 3-manifolds, we establish results which concern 3-manifolds with finite fundamental group (i.e., 3-dimensional fake spherical space forms) and compare these results with results involving fake spherical space forms of higher...

On stability of Alexander polynomials of knots and links (survey)

Mikami Hirasawa, Kunio Murasugi (2014)

Banach Center Publications

We study distribution of the zeros of the Alexander polynomials of knots and links in S³. After a brief introduction of various stabilities of multivariate polynomials, we present recent results on stable Alexander polynomials.

On the AJ conjecture for cables of twist knots

Anh T. Tran (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study the AJ conjecture that relates the A-polynomial and the colored Jones polynomial of a knot in S³. We confirm the AJ conjecture for (r,2)-cables of the m-twist knot, for all odd integers r satisfying ⎧ (r+8)(r−8m) > 0 if m > 0, ⎨ ⎩ r(r+8m−4) > 0 if m < 0.

On the boundary of 2-dimensional ideal polyhedra

Emmanuel Vrontakis (2006)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

It is proved that for every two points in the visual boundary of the universal covering of a 2 -dimensional ideal polyhedron, there is an infinity of paths joining them.

On the Cantor-Bendixson rank of metabelian groups

Yves Cornulier (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study the Cantor-Bendixson rank of metabelian and virtually metabelian groups in the space of marked groups, and in particular, we exhibit a sequence ( G n ) of 2-generated, finitely presented, virtually metabelian groups of Cantor-Bendixson rank  ω n .

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 192