Displaying 101 – 120 of 1631

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A topological model of site-specific recombination that predicts the knot and link type of DNA products

Karin Valencia (2014)

Banach Center Publications

This is a short summary of a topological model of site-specific recombination, a cellular reaction that creates knots and links out of circular double stranded DNA molecules. The model is used to predict and characterise the topology of the products of a reaction on double stranded DNA twist knots. It is shown that all such products fall into a small family of Montesinos knots and links, meaning that the knot and link type of possible products is significantly reduced, thus aiding their experimental...

A topological version of Bertini's theorem

Artur Piękosz (1995)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We give a topological version of a Bertini type theorem due to Abhyankar. A new definition of a branched covering is given. If the restriction π V : V Y of the natural projection π: Y × Z → Y to a closed set V ⊂ Y × Z is a branched covering then, under certain assumptions, we can obtain generators of the fundamental group π₁((Y×Z).

A topological view of ordered groups

Dale Rolfsen (2014)

Banach Center Publications

In this expository article we use topological ideas, notably compactness, to establish certain basic properties of orderable groups. Many of the properties we shall discuss are well-known, but I believe some of the proofs are new. These will be used, in turn, to prove some orderability results, including the left-orderability of the group of PL homeomorphisms of a surface with boundary, which are fixed on at least one boundary component.

A TQFT for Wormhole cobordisms over the field of rational functions

Patrick Gilmer (1998)

Banach Center Publications

We consider a cobordism category whose morphisms are punctured connected sums of S 1 × S 2 ’s (wormhole spaces) with embedded admissibly colored banded trivalent graphs. We define a TQFT on this cobordism category over the field of rational functions in an indeterminant A. For r large, we recover, by specializing A to a primitive 4rth root of unity, the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev TQFT restricted to links in wormhole spaces. Thus, for r large, the rth Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev invariant of a link in some wormhole...

A twisted dimer model for knots

Moshe Cohen, Oliver T. Dasbach, Heather M. Russell (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We develop a dimer model for the Alexander polynomial of a knot. This recovers Kauffman's state sum model for the Alexander polynomial using the language of dimers. By providing some additional structure we are able to extend this model to give a state sum formula for the twisted Alexander polynomial of a knot depending on a representation of the knot group.

A vanishing theorem for twisted Alexander polynomials with applications to symplectic 4-manifolds

Stefan Friedl, Stefano Vidussi (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

In this paper we show that given any 3-manifold N and any non-fibered class in H 1 ( N ; Z ) there exists a representation such that the corresponding twisted Alexander polynomial is zero. We obtain this result by extending earlier work of ours and by combining this with recent results of Agol and Wise on separability of 3-manifold groups. This result allows us to completely classify symplectic 4-manifolds with a free circle action, and to determine their symplectic cones.

A weighted graph polynomial from chromatic invariants of knots

Steven D. Noble, Dominic J. A. Welsh (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Motivated by the work of Chmutov, Duzhin and Lando on Vassiliev invariants, we define a polynomial on weighted graphs which contains as specialisations the weighted chromatic invariants but also contains many other classical invariants including the Tutte and matching polynomials. It also gives the symmetric function generalisation of the chromatic polynomial introduced by Stanley. We study its complexity and prove hardness results for very restricted classes of graphs.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 1631