Laplace transform and Fourier-Sato transform
We investigate Laplace type operators in the Euclidean space. We give a purely algebraic proof of the theorem on existence and uniqueness (in the space of polynomial forms) of the Dirichlet boundary problem for a Laplace type operator and give a method of determining the exact solution to that problem. Moreover, we give a decomposition of the kernel of a Laplace type operator into -irreducible subspaces.
In this talk we shall present some joint work with A. Grigory’an. Upper and lower estimates on the rate of decay of the heat kernel on a complete non-compact riemannian manifold have recently been obtained in terms of the geometry at infinity of the manifold, more precisely in terms of a kind of isoperimetric profile. The main point is to connect the decay of the norm of the heat semigroup with some adapted Nash or Faber-Krahn inequalities, which is done by functional analytic methods. We shall...
Dans le présent article, nous établissons une caractérisation des systèmes scalaires d’équations aux dérivées partielles analytiques d’ordre deux à variables indépendantes équivalents par un changement de coordonnées analytique au système , .