Barycentres et martingales sur une variété
On montre l’équivalence entre l’hyperbolicité au sens de Gromov de la géométrie de Hilbert d’un domaine convexe du plan et la non nullité du bas du spectre de ce domaine.
This is a report on recent results with A. Hassell on quantum ergodicity of boundary traces of eigenfunctions on domains with ergodic billiards, and of work in progress with Hassell and Sogge on norms of boundary traces. Related work by Burq, Grieser and Smith-Sogge is also discussed.
We study the method of layer potentials for manifolds with boundary and cylindrical ends. The fact that the boundary is non-compact prevents us from using the standard characterization of Fredholm or compact pseudo-differential operators between Sobolev spaces, as, for example, in the works of Fabes-Jodeit-Lewis and Kral-Wedland . We first study the layer potentials depending on a parameter on compact manifolds. This then yields the invertibility of the relevant boundary integral operators in the...
Let be a -dimensional compact Riemannian manifold. We show that the spectrum of the Hodge Laplacian acting on -forms does not determine whether the manifold has boundary, nor does it determine the lengths of the closed geodesics. Among the many examples are a projective space and a hemisphere that have the same Hodge spectrum on 1- forms, and hyperbolic surfaces, mutually isospectral on 1-forms, with different injectivity radii. The Hodge -spectrum also does not distinguish orbifolds from manifolds....
This paper is devoted to the proof of almost global existence results for Klein-Gordon equations on compact revolution hypersurfaces with non-Hamiltonian nonlinearities, when the data are smooth, small and radial. The method combines normal forms with the fact that the eigenvalues associated to radial eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on such manifolds are simple and satisfy convenient asymptotic expansions.