Convergence of a finite volume scheme for an elliptic-hyperbolic system
We consider a degenerate parabolic system which models the evolution of nematic liquid crystal with variable degree of orientation. The system is a slight modification to that proposed in [Calderer et al., SIAM J. Math. Anal.33 (2002) 1033–1047], which is a special case of Ericksen's general continuum model in [Ericksen, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.113 (1991) 97–120]. We prove the global existence of weak solutions by passing to the limit in a regularized system. Moreover, we propose a practical...
We study a Lagrangian numerical scheme for solution of a nonlinear drift diffusion equation on an interval. The discretization is based on the equation’s gradient flow structure with respect to the Wasserstein distance. The scheme inherits various properties from the continuous flow, like entropy monotonicity, mass preservation, metric contraction and minimum/ maximum principles. As the main result, we give a proof of convergence in the limit of vanishing mesh size under a CFL-type condition. We...
A discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for an optimal control problem related to semilinear parabolic PDE's is examined. The schemes under consideration are discontinuous in time but conforming in space. Convergence of discrete schemes of arbitrary order is proven. In addition, the convergence of discontinuous Galerkin approximations of the associated optimality system to the solutions of the continuous optimality system is shown. The proof is based on stability estimates at arbitrary time...
We formulate a finite element method for the computation of solutions to an anisotropic phase-field model for a binary alloy. Convergence is proved in the -norm. The convergence result holds for anisotropy below a certain threshold value. We present some numerical experiments verifying the theoretical results. For anisotropy below the threshold value we observe optimal order convergence, whereas in the case where the anisotropy is strong the numerical solution to the phase-field equation does not...
The problem of modeling acoustic waves scattered by an object with Neumann boundary condition is considered. The boundary condition is taken into account by means of the fictitious domain method, yielding a first order in time mixed variational formulation for the problem. The resulting system is discretized with two families of mixed finite elements that are compatible with mass lumping. We present numerical results illustrating that the Neumann boundary condition on the object is not always correctly...
The problem of modeling acoustic waves scattered by an object with Neumann boundary condition is considered. The boundary condition is taken into account by means of the fictitious domain method, yielding a first order in time mixed variational formulation for the problem. The resulting system is discretized with two families of mixed finite elements that are compatible with mass lumping. We present numerical results illustrating that the Neumann boundary condition on the object is not always...
We propose and analyse two convergent fully discrete schemes to solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes-Nernst-Planck-Poisson system. The first scheme converges to weak solutions satisfying an energy and an entropy dissipation law. The second scheme uses Chorin's projection method to obtain an efficient approximation that converges to strong solutions at optimal rates.
The incompressible MHD equations couple Navier-Stokes equations with Maxwell's equations to describe the flow of a viscous, incompressible, and electrically conducting fluid in a Lipschitz domain . We verify convergence of iterates of different coupling and decoupling fully discrete schemes towards weak solutions for vanishing discretization parameters. Optimal first order of convergence is shown in the presence of strong solutions for a splitting scheme which decouples the computation of velocity...
We develop a method for counting number of cells and extraction of approximate cell centers in 2D and 3D images of early stages of the zebra-fish embryogenesis. The approximate cell centers give us the starting points for the subjective surface based cell segmentation. We move in the inner normal direction all level sets of nuclei and membranes images by a constant speed with slight regularization of this flow by the (mean) curvature. Such multi- scale evolutionary process is represented by a geometrical...
Option pricing models are an important part of financial markets worldwide. The PDE formulation of these models leads to analytical solutions only under very strong simplifications. For more general models the option price needs to be evaluated by numerical techniques. First, based on an ideal pure diffusion process for two risky asset prices with an additional path-dependent variable for continuous arithmetic average, we present a general form of PDE for pricing of Asian option contracts on two...
Under real market conditions, there exist many cases when it is inevitable to adopt numerical approximations of option prices due to non-existence of analytical formulae. Obviously, any numerical technique should be tested for the cases when the analytical solution is well known. The paper is devoted to the discontinuous Galerkin method applied to European option pricing under the Merton jump-diffusion model, when the evolution of the asset prices is driven by a Lévy process with finite activity....
The evaluation of option premium is a very delicate issue arising from the assumptions made under a financial market model, and pricing of a wide range of options is generally feasible only when numerical methods are involved. This paper is based on our recent research on numerical pricing of path-dependent multi-asset options and extends these results also to the case of Asian options with fixed strike. First, we recall the three-dimensional backward parabolic PDE describing the evolution of European-style...
The real options approach interprets a flexibility value, embedded in a project, as an option premium. The object of interest is to valuate real options to change operating scale, typical for natural resources industry. The evolution of the project as well as option prices is decribed by partial differential equations of the Black-Scholes type, linked through a payoff function given by a type of the flexibility provided. The governing equations are discretized by the discontinuous Galerkin method...