Spectral element simulations of flow past an ellipsoid at different Reynolds numbers.
In this paper we introduce numerical schemes for a one-dimensional kinetic model of the Boltzmann equation with dissipative collisions and variable coefficient of restitution. In particular, we study the numerical passage of the Boltzmann equation with singular kernel to nonlinear friction equations in the so-called quasi elastic limit. To this aim we introduce a Fourier spectral method for the Boltzmann equation [25, 26] and show that the kernel modes that define the spectral method have the correct...
In this paper we introduce numerical schemes for a one-dimensional kinetic model of the Boltzmann equation with dissipative collisions and variable coefficient of restitution. In particular, we study the numerical passage of the Boltzmann equation with singular kernel to nonlinear friction equations in the so-called quasi elastic limit. To this aim we introduce a Fourier spectral method for the Boltzmann equation [CITE] and show that the kernel modes that define the spectral method have the correct...
We present in this work a numerical study of a problem governed by Navier-Stokes equations and heat equation. The mathematical problem under consideration is obtained by modelling the natural convection of an incompressible fluid, in laminar flow between two horizontal concentric coaxial cylinders, the temperature of the inner cylinder is supposed to be greater than the outer one. The numerical simulation of the flow is carried out by collocation-Legendre...
This work presents simulations of incompressible fluid flow interacting with a moving rigid body. A numerical algorithm for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in a general coordinate system is applied to two types of body motion, prescribed and flow-induced. Discretization in spatial coordinates is based on the spectral/hp element method. Specific techniques of stabilisation, mesh design and approximation quality estimates are described and compared. Presented data show performance of the solver...
We show stability and consistency of the linear semi-implicit complementary volume numerical scheme for solving the regularized, in the sense of Evans and Spruck, mean curvature flow equation in the level set formulation. The numerical method is based on the finite volume methodology using the so-called complementary volumes to a finite element triangulation. The scheme gives the solution in an efficient and unconditionally stable way.
The stability or instability of a few basic flows was conjectured, debated, and sometimes proved in the nineteenth century. Motivations varied from turbulence observed in real flows to permanence expected in hydrodynamic theories of matter. Contemporary mathematics often failed to provide rigorous answers, and personal intuitions sometimes gave wrong results. Yet some of the basic ideas and methods of the modern theory of hydrodynamic instability occurred to the elite of British and German mathematical...
We consider some abstract nonlinear equations in a separable Hilbert space and some class of approximate equations on closed linear subspaces of . The main result concerns stability with respect to the approximation of the space . We prove that, generically, the set of all solutions of the exact equation is the limit in the sense of the Hausdorff metric over of the sets of approximate solutions, over some filterbase on the family of all closed linear subspaces of . The abstract results are...