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Numerical analysis of Eulerian multi-fluid models in the context of kinetic formulations for dilute evaporating sprays

Frédérique Laurent (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The purpose of this article is the analysis and the development of Eulerian multi-fluid models to describe the evolution of the mass density of evaporating liquid sprays. First, the classical multi-fluid model developed in [Laurent and Massot, Combust. Theor. Model.5 (2001) 537–572] is analyzed in the framework of an unsteady configuration without dynamical nor heating effects, where the evaporation process is isolated, since it is a key issue. The classical multi-fluid method consists then in...

Numerical methods for phase transition problems

Claudio Verdi (1998)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Nel presente articolo si illustrano alcuni dei principali metodi numerici per l'approssimazione di modelli matematici legati ai fenomeni di transizione di fase. Per semplificare e contenere l'esposizione ci siamo limitati a discutere con un certo dettaglio i metodi più recenti, presentandoli nel caso di problemi modello, quali il classico problema di Stefan e l'evoluzione di superficie per curvatura media, solo accennando alle applicazioni e modelli più generali.

On a Caginalp phase-field system with a logarithmic nonlinearity

Charbel Wehbe (2015)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider a phase field system based on the Maxwell Cattaneo heat conduction law, with a logarithmic nonlinearity, associated with Dirichlet boundary conditions. In particular, we prove, in one and two space dimensions, the existence of a solution which is strictly separated from the singularities of the nonlinear term and that the problem possesses a finite-dimensional global attractor in terms of exponential attractors.

On a conserved Penrose-Fife type system

Gianni Gilardi, Andrea Marson (2005)

Applications of Mathematics

We deal with a class of Penrose-Fife type phase field models for phase transitions, where the phase dynamics is ruled by a Cahn-Hilliard type equation. Suitable assumptions on the behaviour of the heat flux as the absolute temperature tends to zero and to + are considered. An existence result is obtained by a double approximation procedure and compactness methods. Moreover, uniqueness and regularity results are proved as well.

On a mathematical model for the crystallization of polymers

Maria Pia Gualdani (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We consider a mathematical model proposed in [1] for the cristallization of polymers, describing the evolution of temperature, crystalline volume fraction, number and average size of crystals. The model includes a constraint W e q on the crystal volume fraction. Essentially, the model is a system of both second order and first order evolutionary partial differential equations with nonlinear terms which are Lipschitz continuous, as in [1], or Hölder continuous, as in [3]. The main novelty here is the...

On a phase-field model with a logarithmic nonlinearity

Alain Miranville (2012)

Applications of Mathematics

Our aim in this paper is to study the existence of solutions to a phase-field system based on the Maxwell-Cattaneo heat conduction law, with a logarithmic nonlinearity. In particular, we prove, in one and two space dimensions, the existence of a solution which is separated from the singularities of the nonlinear term.

On the Caginalp system with dynamic boundary conditions and singular potentials

Laurence Cherfils, Alain Miranville (2009)

Applications of Mathematics

This article is devoted to the study of the Caginalp phase field system with dynamic boundary conditions and singular potentials. We first show that, for initial data in H 2 , the solutions are strictly separated from the singularities of the potential. This turns out to be our main argument in the proof of the existence and uniqueness of solutions. We then prove the existence of global attractors. In the last part of the article, we adapt well-known results concerning the Łojasiewicz inequality in...

On the importance of solid deformations in convection-dominated liquid/solid phase change of pure materials

Daniela Mansutti, Edoardo Bucchignani (2011)

Applications of Mathematics

We analyse the effect of the mechanical response of the solid phase during liquid/solid phase change by numerical simulation of a benchmark test based on the well-known and debated experiment of melting of a pure gallium slab counducted by Gau & Viskanta in 1986. The adopted mathematical model includes the description of the melt flow and of the solid phase deformations. Surprisingly the conclusion reached is that, even in this case of pure material, the contribution of the solid phase to the...

On the Stefan problem with a small parameter

Galina I. Bizhanova (2008)

Banach Center Publications

We consider the multidimensional two-phase Stefan problem with a small parameter κ in the Stefan condition, due to which the problem becomes singularly perturbed. We prove unique solvability and a coercive uniform (with respect to κ) estimate of the solution of the Stefan problem for t ≤ T₀, T₀ independent of κ, and the existence and estimate of the solution of the Florin problem (Stefan problem with κ = 0) in Hölder spaces.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 133