The algebraic Bethe Ansatz and vacuum vectors.
The purpose of this article is to show that electrons and protons, interacting by Coulomb forces and governed by quantum statistical mechanics at suitable temperature and density, form a gas of Hydrogen atoms or molecules.
The Boltzmann–Poisson system modeling the electron flow in semiconductors is used to discuss the validity of the Child–Langmuir asymptotics. The scattering kernel is approximated by a simple relaxation time operator. The Child–Langmuir limit gives an approximation of the current-voltage characteristic curves by means of a scaling procedure in which the ballistic velocity is much larger that the thermal one. We discuss the validity of the Child–Langmuir regime by performing detailed numerical comparisons...
The Boltzmann–Poisson system modeling the electron flow in semiconductors is used to discuss the validity of the Child–Langmuir asymptotics. The scattering kernel is approximated by a simple relaxation time operator. The Child–Langmuir limit gives an approximation of the current-voltage characteristic curves by means of a scaling procedure in which the ballistic velocity is much larger that the thermal one. We discuss the validity of the Child–Langmuir regime by performing detailed numerical...
When a permanent magnet is released above a superconductor, it is levitated. This is due to the Meissner-effect, i.e. the repulsion of external magnetic fields within the superconductor. In experiments, an interesting behavior of the levitated magnet can be observed: it might start to oscillate with increasing amplitude and some magnets even reach a continuous rotation. In this paper we develop a mathematical model for this effect and identify by analytical methods as well with finite element simulations...
This paper is devoted to a detailed and rigorous study of the magnetization at high temperature for a p-spin interaction model with external field, generalizing the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. In particular, we prove that (the mean of a spin with respect to the Gibbs measure) converges to an explicitly given random variable, and that ⟨σ₁⟩,...,⟨σₙ⟩ are asymptotically independent.
The model for an ultra-relativistic gas is here considered in the framework of Extended Thermodynamics. The closure, satisfying exactly the principles of relativity and of entropy, is obtained by following the approach «at a macroscopic level». Our results are compared with the ones of the kinetic approach.
The mathematical analysis on various mathematical models arisen in semiconductor science has attracted a lot of attention in both applied mathematics and semiconductor physics. It is important to understand the relations between the various models which are different kind of nonlinear system of P.D.Es. The emphasis of this paper is on the relation between the drift-diffusion model and the diffusion equation. This is given by a quasineutral limit from the DD model to the diffusion equation.
For a general class of atomistic-to-continuum coupling methods, coupling multi-body interatomic potentials with a P1-finite element discretisation of Cauchy–Born nonlinear elasticity, this paper adresses the question whether patch test consistency (or, absence of ghost forces) implies a first-order error estimate. In two dimensions it is shown that this is indeed true under the following additional technical assumptions: (i) an energy consistency condition, (ii) locality of the interface correction,...
For a general class of atomistic-to-continuum coupling methods, coupling multi-body interatomic potentials with a P1-finite element discretisation of Cauchy–Born nonlinear elasticity, this paper adresses the question whether patch test consistency (or, absence of ghost forces) implies a first-order error estimate. In two dimensions it is shown that this is indeed true under the following additional technical assumptions: (i) an energy consistency condition, (ii) locality of the interface correction,...