Displaying 41 – 60 of 161

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Mathematical Modelling of Tumour Dormancy

K. M. Page (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Many tumours undergo periods in which they apparently do not grow but remain at a roughly constant size for extended periods. This is termed tumour dormancy. The mechanisms responsible for dormancy include failure to develop an internal blood supply, individual tumour cells exiting the cell cycle and a balance between the tumour and the immune response to it. Tumour dormancy is of considerable importance in the natural history of cancer. In many cancers, and in particular in breast cancer, recurrence...

Mathematical Models of Dividing Cell Populations: Application to CFSE Data

H.T. Banks, W. Clayton Thompson (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Flow cytometric analysis using intracellular dyes such as CFSE is a powerful experimental tool which can be used in conjunction with mathematical modeling to quantify the dynamic behavior of a population of lymphocytes. In this survey we begin by providing an overview of the mathematically relevant aspects of the data collection procedure. We then present an overview of the large body of mathematical models, along with their assumptions and uses,...

Mathematical models of tumor growth systems

Takashi Suzuki (2012)

Mathematica Bohemica

We study a class of parabolic-ODE systems modeling tumor growth, its mathematical modeling and the global in time existence of the solution obtained by the method of Lyapunov functions.

Maximizing multi–information

Nihat Ay, Andreas Knauf (2006)


Stochastic interdependence of a probability distribution on a product space is measured by its Kullback–Leibler distance from the exponential family of product distributions (called multi-information). Here we investigate low-dimensional exponential families that contain the maximizers of stochastic interdependence in their closure. Based on a detailed description of the structure of probability distributions with globally maximal multi-information we obtain our main result: The exponential family...

Mean almost periodicity and moment exponential stability of discrete-time stochastic shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks with time delays

Tianwei Zhang, Lijun Xu (2019)


By using the semi-discrete method of differential equations, a new version of discrete analogue of stochastic shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks (SICNNs) is formulated, which gives a more accurate characterization for continuous-time stochastic SICNNs than that by Euler scheme. Firstly, the existence of the 2th mean almost periodic sequence solution of the discrete-time stochastic SICNNs is investigated with the help of Minkowski inequality, Hölder inequality and Krasnoselskii's fixed...

Mean mutual information and symmetry breaking for finite random fields

J. Buzzi, L. Zambotti (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

G. Edelman, O. Sporns and G. Tononi have introduced the neural complexity of a family of random variables, defining it as a specific average of mutual information over subfamilies. We show that their choice of weights satisfies two natural properties, namely invariance under permutations and additivity, and we call any functional satisfying these two properties an intricacy. We classify all intricacies in terms of probability laws on the unit interval and study the growth rate of maximal intricacies...

Mechanisms of Cell Motion in Confined Geometries

R. J. Hawkins, R. Voituriez (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We present a simple mechanism of cell motility in a confined geometry, inspired by recent motility assays in microfabricated channels. This mechanism relies mainly on the coupling of actin polymerisation at the cell membrane to geometric confinement. We first show analytically using a minimal model of polymerising viscoelastic gel confined in a narrow channel that spontaneous motion occurs due to polymerisation alone. Interestingly, this mechanism...

Medical image – based computational model of pulsatile flow in saccular aneurisms

Stéphanie Salmon, Marc Thiriet, Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau (2003)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Saccular aneurisms, swelling of a blood vessel, are investigated in order (i) to estimate the development risk of the wall lesion, before and after intravascular treatment, assuming that the pressure is the major factor, and (ii) to better plan medical interventions. Numerical simulations, using the finite element method, are performed in three-dimensional aneurisms. Computational meshes are derived from medical imaging data to take into account both between-subject and within-subject anatomical...

Medical image – based computational model of pulsatile flow in saccular aneurisms

Stéphanie Salmon, Marc Thiriet, Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Saccular aneurisms, swelling of a blood vessel, are investigated in order (i) to estimate the development risk of the wall lesion, before and after intravascular treatment, assuming that the pressure is the major factor, and (ii) to better plan medical interventions. Numerical simulations, using the finite element method, are performed in three-dimensional aneurisms. Computational meshes are derived from medical imaging data to take into account both between-subject and within-subject anatomical...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 161