Displaying 201 – 220 of 226

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Approximate controllability of a hydro-elastic coupled system

Jacques-Louis Lions, Enrique Zuazua (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We analyze the controllability of the motion of a fluid by means of the action of a vibrating shell coupled at the boundary of the fluid. The model considered is linear. We study its approximate controllability, i.e. whether the fluid may reach a dense set of final configurations at a given time. We show that this problem can be reduced to a unique continuation question for the Stokes system. We prove that this unique continuation property holds generically among analytic domains and therefore,...

Approximate controllability of infinite dimensional systems of the n-th order

Jerzy Stefan Respondek (2008)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The objective of the article is to obtain general conditions for several types of controllability at once for an abstract differential equation of arbitrary order, instead of conditions for a fixed order equation. This innovative approach was possible owing to analyzing the n-th order linear system in the Frobenius form which generates a Jordan transition matrix of the Vandermonde form. We extensively used the fact that the knowledge of the inverse of a Jordan transition matrix enables us to directly...

Approximation of a linear dynamic process model using the frequency approach and a non-quadratic measure of the model error

Krzysztof B. Janiszowski (2014)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper presents a novel approach to approximation of a linear transfer function model, based on dynamic properties represented by a frequency response, e.g., determined as a result of discrete-time identification. The approximation is derived for minimization of a non-quadratic performance index. This index can be determined as an exponent or absolute norm of an error. Two algorithms for determination of the approximation coefficients are considered, a batch processing one and a recursive scheme,...

Approximation of Jacobian inverse kinematics algorithms

Krzysztof Tchoń, Joanna Karpińska, Mariusz Janiak (2009)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper addresses the synthesis problem of Jacobian inverse kinematics algorithms for stationary manipulators and mobile robots. Special attention is paid to the design of extended Jacobian algorithms that approximate the Jacobian pseudoinverse algorithm. Two approaches to the approximation problem are developed: one relies on variational calculus, the other is differential geometric. Example designs of the extended Jacobian inverse kinematics algorithm for 3DOF manipulators as well as for the...

Approximation of large-scale dynamical systems: an overview

Athanasios Antoulas, Dan Sorensen (2001)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper we review the state of affairs in the area of approximation of large-scale systems. We distinguish three basic categories, namely the SVD-based, the Krylov-based and the SVD-Krylov-based approximation methods. The first two were developed independently of each other and have distinct sets of attributes and drawbacks. The third approach seeks to combine the best attributes of the first two.

Argument increment stability criterion for linear delta models

Milan Hofreiter, Pavel Zítek (2003)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Currently used stability criteria for linear sampled-data systems refer to the standard linear difference equation form of the system model. This paper presents a stability criterion based on the argument increment rule modified for the delta operator form of the sampled-data model. For the asymptotic stability of this system form it is necessary and sufficient that the roots of the appropriate characteristic equation lie inside a circle in the left half of the complex plane, the radius of which...

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 226