Bounded-input-bounded-state stabilization of switched processes and periodic asymptotic controllability
The main result of this paper is a sufficient condition for the existence of periodic switching signals which render asymptotically stable at the origin a linear switched process defined by a pair of real matrices. The interest of this result is motivated by the application to the problem of bounded-input-bounded-state (with respect to an external input) stabilization of linear switched processes.
Bounding the output error in a buck power converter using perturbation theory.
Brève communication. Contrôlabilité de systèmes linéaires par des commandes Bang-Bang
Brève communication. Sur la commande en temps minimum du système
Bursting scenaria in adaptive algorithms: performance limitations and some remedies
Canonical forms of singular 1D and 2D linear systems
The paper consists of two parts. In the first part, new canonical forms are defined for singular 1D linear systems and a procedure to determine nonsingular matrices transforming matrices of singular systems to their canonical forms is derived. In the second part new canonical forms of matrices of the singular 2D Roesser model are defined and a procedure for determining realisations in canonical forms for a given 2D transfer function is presented. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence...
Canonical input-output representation of linear multivariable stochastic systems and joint optimal parameter and state estimation.
In this paper a complete presentation is given of a new canonical representation of multi-input, multi-output linear stochastic systems. Its equivalence with operator form directly linked with ARMA processes as well as with classical state space representation is given, and a transfer matrix interpretation is developed in an example. The importance of the new representation is mainly in the fact that in the joint state and parameters estimation problem, all unknown parameters appear linearly when...
Carleman estimates and boundary observability for a coupled parabolic-hyperbolic system.
Carleman estimates for the Euler-Bernoulli plate operator.
Categorical approach to nonlinear constant continuous-time systems
Causality and stochastic realization.
Chaos synchronization criteria and costs of sinusoidally coupled horizontal platform systems.
Characteristic polynomial assignment for delay-differential systems via 2-D polynomial equations
Characterization of generic properties of linear structured systems for efficient computations
In this paper we investigate some of the computational aspects of generic properties of linear structured systems. In such systems only the zero/nonzero pattern of the system matrices is assumed to be known. For structured systems a number of characterizations of so-called generic properties have been obtained in the literature. The characterizations often have been presented by means of the graph associated to a linear structured system and are then expressed in terms of the maximal or minimal...
Clocks and insensitivity to small measurement errors
Clocks and Insensitivity to Small Measurement Errors
This paper deals with the problem of stabilizing a system in the presence of small measurement errors. It is known that, for general stabilizable systems, there may be no possible memoryless state feedback which is robust with respect to such errors. In contrast, a precise result is given here, showing that, if a (continuous-time, finite-dimensional) system is stabilizable in any way whatsoever (even by means of a dynamic, time varying, discontinuous, feedback) then it can also be semiglobally...
Closed-loop structure of decouplable linear multivariable systems
Considering a controllable, square, linear multivariable system, which is decouplable by static state feedback, we completely characterize in this paper the structure of the decoupled closed-loop system. The family of all attainable transfer function matrices for the decoupled closed-loop system is characterized, which also completely establishes all possible combinations of attainable finite pole and zero structures. The set of assignable poles as well as the set of fixed decoupling poles are determined,...
Closedness of morphisms of differential algebraic sets. Applications to system theory.
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