Displaying 121 – 140 of 226

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Algebraic condition for decomposition of large-scale linear dynamic systems

Henryk Górecki (2009)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper concerns the problem of decomposition of a large-scale linear dynamic system into two subsystems. An equivalent problem is to split the characteristic polynomial of the original system into two polynomials of lower degrees. Conditions are found concerning the coefficients of the original polynomial which must be fulfilled for its factorization. It is proved that knowledge of only one of the symmetric functions of those polynomials of lower degrees is sufficient for factorization of the...

Algebraic systems theory towards stabilization under parametrical and degree changes in the polynomial matrices of linear mathematical models.

Manuel de la Sen (1988)


This paper deals with the stabilization of the linear time-invariant finite dimensional control problem specified by the following linear spaces and subspaces on C: χ (state space) = χ* ⊕ χd, U (input space) = U1 ⊕ U2, Y (output space) = Y1 + Y2, together with the linear mappings: Qs = χ x U x [0,t} --> χ associated with the evolution equation of the C0-semigroup S(t) generated by the matrices, of real and complex entries A belonging to L(χ,χ) and B belonging to L(U,χ) of a given differential...

Almost sufficient and necessary conditions for permanence and extinction of nonautonomous discrete logistic systems with time-varying delays and feedback control

Jiabo Xu, Zhidong Teng, Shujing Gao (2011)

Applications of Mathematics

A class of nonautonomous discrete logistic single-species systems with time-varying pure-delays and feedback control is studied. By introducing a new research method, almost sufficient and necessary conditions for the permanence and extinction of species are obtained. Particularly, when the system degenerates into a periodic system, sufficient and necessary conditions on the permanence and extinction of species are obtained. Moreover, a very important fact is found in our results, that is, the feedback...

Alternate checking criteria for reachable controllability of rectangular descriptor systems

Vikas Kumar Mishra, Nutan Kumar Tomar (2017)


Contrary to state space systems, there are different notions of controllability for linear time invariant descriptor systems due to the non smooth inputs and inconsistent initial conditions. A comprehensive study of different notions of controllability for linear descriptor systems is performed. Also, it is proved that reachable controllability for general linear time invariant descriptor system is equivalent to the controllability of some matrix pair under an assumption milder than impulse controllability....

An adaptive output feedback motion tracking controller for robot manipulators: uniform global asymptotic stability and experimentation

Antonio Yarza, Victor Santibanez, Javier Moreno-Valenzuela (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper deals with two important practical problems in motion control of robot manipulators: the measurement of joint velocities, which often results in noisy signals, and the uncertainty of parameters of the dynamic model. Adaptive output feedback controllers have been proposed in the literature in order to deal with these problems. In this paper, we prove for the first time that Uniform Global Asymptotic Stability (UGAS) can be obtained from an adaptive output feedback tracking controller,...

An agent-oriented hierarchic strategy for solving inverse problems

Maciej Smołka, Robert Schaefer, Maciej Paszyński, David Pardo, Julen Álvarez-Aramberri (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper discusses the complex, agent-oriented hierarchic memetic strategy (HMS) dedicated to solving inverse parametric problems. The strategy goes beyond the idea of two-phase global optimization algorithms. The global search performed by a tree of dependent demes is dynamically alternated with local, steepest descent searches. The strategy offers exceptionally low computational costs, mainly because the direct solver accuracy (performed by the hp-adaptive finite element method) is dynamically...

An algebraic framework for linear identification

Michel Fliess, Hebertt Sira-Ramírez (2003)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

A closed loop parametrical identification procedure for continuous-time constant linear systems is introduced. This approach which exhibits good robustness properties with respect to a large variety of additive perturbations is based on the following mathematical tools: (1) module theory; (2) differential algebra; (3) operational calculus. Several concrete case-studies with computer simulations demonstrate the efficiency of our on-line identification scheme.

An algebraic framework for linear identification

Michel Fliess, Hebertt Sira–Ramírez (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

A closed loop parametrical identification procedure for continuous-time constant linear systems is introduced. This approach which exhibits good robustness properties with respect to a large variety of additive perturbations is based on the following mathematical tools: (1) module theory; (2) differential algebra; (3) operational calculus. Several concrete case-studies with computer simulations demonstrate the efficiency of our on-line identification scheme.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 226