Displaying 221 – 240 of 288

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Steinitz classes of some abelian and nonabelian extensions of even degree

Alessandro Cobbe (2010)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

The Steinitz class of a number field extension K / k is an ideal class in the ring of integers 𝒪 k of k , which, together with the degree [ K : k ] of the extension determines the 𝒪 k -module structure of 𝒪 K . We denote by R t ( k , G ) the set of classes which are Steinitz classes of a tamely ramified G -extension of k . We will say that those classes are realizable for the group G ; it is conjectured that the set of realizable classes is always a group.In this paper we will develop some of the ideas contained in [7] to obtain some...

Sur le groupe des unités de corps de nombres de degré 2 et 4

M’hammed Ziane (2007)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Nous déterminons sous certaines hypothèses, un système fondamental d’unités du corps non pur K = ( ω ) et de son sous-corps quadratique, où ω est solution du polynôme f ( X ) = X 4 + d - 2 M 6 X 2 - M 4 , avec M 6 = D 6 + 6 D 4 d + 9 D 2 d 2 + 2 d 3 , M 4 = D 4 + 4 D 2 d + 2 d 2 , d | D , d , D , non nuls.

The cubics which are differences of two conjugates of an algebraic integer

Toufik Zaimi (2005)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We show that a cubic algebraic integer over a number field K , with zero trace is a difference of two conjugates over K of an algebraic integer. We also prove that if N is a normal cubic extension of the field of rational numbers, then every integer of N with zero trace is a difference of two conjugates of an integer of N if and only if the 3 - adic valuation of the discriminant of N is not 4 .

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 288