Displaying 41 – 60 of 86

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Quasi-lines and their degenerations

Laurent Bonavero, Andreas Höring (2007)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

In this paper we study the structure of manifolds that contain a quasi-line and give some evidence towards the fact that the irreducible components of degenerations of the quasi-line should determine the Mori cone. We show that the minimality with respect to a quasi-line yields strong restrictions on fibre space structures of the manifold.

Quasi-periodic and periodic solutions of the Toda lattice via the hyperelliptic sigma function

Yuji Kodama, Shigeki Matsutani, Emma Previato (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

A lattice model with exponential interaction, was proposed and integrated by M. Toda in the 1960s; it was then extensively studied as one of the completely integrable (differential-difference) equations by algebro-geometric methods, which produced both quasi-periodic solutions in terms of theta functions of hyperelliptic curves and periodic solutions defined on suitable Jacobians by the Lax-pair method. In this work, we revisit Toda’s original approach to give solutions of the Toda lattice in terms...

Quasipositivity and new knot invariants.

Lee Rudolph (1989)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

This is a survey (including new results) of relations ?some emergent, others established? among three notions which the 1980s saw introduced into knot theory: quasipositivity of a link, the enhanced Milnor number of a fibered link, and the new link polynomials. The Seifert form fails to determine these invariants; perhaps there exists an ?enhanced Seifert form? which does.

Quasi-semi-stable representations

Xavier Caruso, Tong Liu (2009)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Fix K a p -adic field and denote by G K its absolute Galois group. Let K be the extension of K obtained by adding p n -th roots of a fixed uniformizer, and G G K its absolute Galois group. In this article, we define a class of p -adic torsion representations of G , calledquasi-semi-stable. We prove that these representations are “explicitly” described by a certain category of linear algebraic objects. The results of this note should be considered as a first step in the understanding of the structure of quotient...

Quaternionic geometry of matroids

Tamás Hausel (2005)

Open Mathematics

Building on a recent paper [8], here we argue that the combinatorics of matroids are intimately related to the geometry and topology of toric hyperkähler varieties. We show that just like toric varieties occupy a central role in Stanley’s proof for the necessity of McMullen’s conjecture (or g-inequalities) about the classification of face vectors of simplicial polytopes, the topology of toric hyperkähler varieties leads to new restrictions on face vectors of matroid complexes. Namely in this paper...

Quelques conséquences locales de la théorie de Hodge

François Loeser (1985)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Un résultat de positivité de théorie de Hodge nous permet de déterminer certaines pôles de la distribution | f | 2 z pour f une fonction analytique à singularité isolée. Dans le cas des courbes et des singularités quasi-homogènes on détermine l’ensemble exact des pôles. On démontre aussi que si le résidu d’une forme holomorphe est de carré intégrable sur la fibre spéciale, l’intégrale sur la fibre spéciale est limite de celle sur les fibres voisines.

Quelques propriétés arithmétiques des points de 3 -division de la jacobienne de y 2 = x 5 - 1

J. Boxall, E. Bavencoffe (1992)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Soit C la courbe projective lisse et irréductible, définie sur Q , et dont un modèle affine est donné par y 2 = x 5 - 1 . On désigne par l’unique point de C qui n’est pas contenu dans cette partie affine. Soit J la jacobienne de C et soit φ : C 2 J le morphisme associant à chaque couple ( ξ , η ) de points de C la classe du diviseur [ ξ ] + [ η ] - 2 [ ] dans Pic 0 C . Soient u , v , f les trois fonctions rationnelles sur J définies par u φ ( ξ , η ) = x ( ξ ) + x ( η ) , v φ ( ξ , η ) = x ( ξ ) x ( η ) , f = - u + v + 1 Le but de cet article est de montrer que pour tout point P de 3 -division non nul de J , u ( P ) et v ( P ) sont des entiers algébriques...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 86