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Interfaces in solutions of diffusion-absorption equations.

Sergei Shmarev (2002)


We study the properties of interfaces in solutions of the Cauchy problem for the nonlinear degenerate parabolic equation ut = Δum - up in Rn x (0,T] with the parameters m > 1, p > 0 satisfying the condition m + p ≥ 2. We show that the velocity of the interface Γ(t) = ∂{supp u(x,t)} is given by the formula v = [ -m / (m-1) ∇um-1 + ∇Π ]|Γ(t) where Π is the solution of the degenerate elliptic equation div (u∇Π) + up = 0, Π = 0 on Γ(t). We give explicit formulas which represent the interface...

Kinetic equilibration rates for granular media and related equations: entropy dissipation and mass transportation estimates.

José A. Carrillo, Robert J. McCann, Cédric Villani (2003)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The long-time asymptotics of certain nonlinear , nonlocal, diffusive equations with a gradient flow structure are analyzed. In particular, a result of Benedetto, Caglioti, Carrillo and Pulvirenti [4] guaranteeing eventual relaxation to equilibrium velocities in a spatially homogencous model of granular flow is extended and quantified by computing explicit relaxation rates. Our arguments rely on establishing generalizations of logarithmic Sobolev inequalities and mass transportation inequalities,...

L estimates of solution for m -Laplacian parabolic equation with a nonlocal term

Pulun Hou, Caisheng Chen (2011)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we consider the global existence, uniqueness and L estimates of weak solutions to quasilinear parabolic equation of m -Laplacian type u t - div ( | u | m - 2 u ) = u | u | β - 1 Ω | u | α d x in Ω × ( 0 , ) with zero Dirichlet boundary condition in Ω . Further, we obtain the L estimate of the solution u ( t ) and u ( t ) for t > 0 with the initial data u 0 L q ( Ω ) ( q > ...

Large time behavior of solutions in super-critical cases to degenerate Keller-Segel systems

Stephan Luckhaus, Yoshie Sugiyama (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We consider the following reaction-diffusion equation: ( KS ) u t = · u m - u q - 1 v , x N , 0 < t < , 0 = Δ v - v + u , x N , 0 < t < , u ( x , 0 ) = u 0 ( x ) , x N , where N 1 , m > 1 , q max { m + 2 N , 2 } .
In [Sugiyama, Nonlinear Anal.63 (2005) 1051–1062; Submitted; J. Differential Equations (in press)] it was shown that in the case of q max { m + 2 N , 2 } , the above problem (KS) is solvable globally in time for “small L N ( q - m ) 2 data”. Moreover, the decay of the solution (u,v) in L p ( N ) was proved. In this paper, we consider the case of “ q max { m + 2 N , 2 } and small L data” with any fixed N ( q - m ) 2 and show that (i) there exists a time global solution (u,v) of (KS) and it decays to...

Large time behaviour of a class of solutions of second order conservation laws

Jan Goncerzewicz, Danielle Hilhorst (2000)

Banach Center Publications

% We study the large time behaviour of entropy solutions of the Cauchy problem for a possibly degenerate nonlinear diffusion equation with a nonlinear convection term. The initial function is assumed to have bounded total variation. We prove the convergence of the solution to the entropy solution of a Riemann problem for the corresponding first order conservation law.

Large time behaviour of solutions to nonhomogeneous diffusion equations

Jean Dolbeault, Grzegorz Karch (2006)

Banach Center Publications

This note is devoted to the study of the long time behaviour of solutions to the heat and the porous medium equations in the presence of an external source term, using entropy methods and self-similar variables. Intermediate asymptotics and convergence results are shown using interpolation inequalities, Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequalities and Csiszár-Kullback type estimates.

L’existence et le comportement asymptotique des solutions d’ondes progressives pour une équation fortement non linéaire

Ahmed Hamydy (2008)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Dans ce papier on étudie l’existence et le comportement asymptotique des solutions de type ondes progressives à propagations finies de l’équation U t = A U x p - 2 U x x + K U q . On prouve que ces solutions existent si et seulement si q &lt; 1 et c &lt; 0 ou bien q p - 1 et c &gt; 0 . On donne aussi le comportement asymptotique de ces solutions.

Limite de la solution de ut - ∆um + div F(u) = 0 lorsque m --&gt; ∞.

Philippe Bénilan, Noureddine Igbida (2000)

Revista Matemática Complutense

Dans cette article, on étudie la limite lorsque m --&gt; ∞ de la solution du problème de Cauchy ut - ∆um + div F(u) = 0 sur un ouvert Omega avec des conditions aux bords de type Dirichlet et une donnée initiale u0 ≥ 0.

Mathematical study of a petroleum-engineering scheme

Robert Eymard, Raphaèle Herbin, Anthony Michel (2003)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Models of two phase flows in porous media, used in petroleum engineering, lead to a system of two coupled equations with elliptic and parabolic degenerate terms, and two unknowns, the saturation and the pressure. For the purpose of their approximation, a coupled scheme, consisting in a finite volume method together with a phase-by-phase upstream weighting scheme, is used in the industrial setting. This paper presents a mathematical analysis of this coupled scheme, first showing that it satisfies...

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