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Sparse grids for the Schrödinger equation

Michael Griebel, Jan Hamaekers (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present a sparse grid/hyperbolic cross discretization for many-particle problems. It involves the tensor product of a one-particle multilevel basis. Subsequent truncation of the associated series expansion then results in a sparse grid discretization. Here, depending on the norms involved, different variants of sparse grid techniques for many-particle spaces can be derived that, in the best case, result in complexities and error estimates which are independent of the number of particles. Furthermore...

Stable blow up dynamics for the critical co-rotational Wave Maps and equivariant Yang-Mills Problems

Pierre Raphaël, Igor Rodnianski (2008/2009)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

This note summarizes the results obtained in [30]. We exhibit stable finite time blow up regimes for the energy critical co-rotational Wave Map with the 𝕊 2 target in all homotopy classes and for the equivariant critical S O ( 4 ) Yang-Mills problem. We derive sharp asymptotics on the dynamics at blow up time and prove quantization of the energy focused at the singularity.

Stationary solutions of the generalized Smoluchowski-Poisson equation

Robert Stańczy (2008)

Banach Center Publications

The existence of steady states in the microcanonical case for a system describing the interaction of gravitationally attracting particles with a self-similar pressure term is proved. The system generalizes the Smoluchowski-Poisson equation. The presented theory covers the case of the model with diffusion that obeys the Fermi-Dirac statistic.

Strichartz and smoothing estimates for Schrödinger operators with large magnetic potentials in 3

M. Burak Erdoğan, Michael Goldberg, Wilhelm Schlag (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We present a novel approach for bounding the resolvent of H = - Δ + i ( A · + · A ) + V = : - Δ + L 1 for large energies. It is shown here that there exist a large integer m and a large number λ 0 so that relative to the usual weighted L 2 -norm, ( L ( - Δ + ( λ + i 0 ) ) - 1 ) m < 1 2 2 for all λ > λ 0 . This requires suitable decay and smoothness conditions on A , V . The estimate (2) is trivial when A = 0 , but difficult for large A since the gradient term exactly cancels the natural decay of the free resolvent. To obtain (2), we introduce a conical decomposition of the resolvent and then sum over...

Supersymmetry and Ghosts in Quantum Mechanics

Robert, Didier (2008)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 81Q60, 35Q40.A standard supersymmetric quantum system is defined by a Hamiltonian [^H] = ½([^Q]*[^Q] +[^Q][^Q]*), where the super-charge [^Q] satisfies [^Q]2 = 0, [^Q] commutes with [^H]. So we have [^H] ≥ 0 and the quantum spectrum of [^H] is non negative. On the other hand Pais-Ulhenbeck proposed in 1950 a model in quantum-field theory where the d'Alembert operator [¯] = [(∂2)/( ∂t2)] − Δx is replaced by fourth order operator [¯]([¯] + m2), in order to...

Sur le spectre semi-classique d’un système intégrable de dimension 1 autour d’une singularité hyperbolique

Olivier Lablée (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Dans cette article on décrit le spectre semi-classique d’un opérateur de Schrödinger sur avec un potentiel type double puits. La description qu’on donne est celle du spectre autour du maximum local du potentiel. Dans la classification des singularités de l’application moment d’un système intégrable, le double puits représente le cas des singularités non-dégénérées de type hyperbolique.

Sur les mesures de Wigner.

Pierre-Louis Lions, Thierry Paul (1993)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We study the properties of the Wigner transform for arbitrary functions in L2 or for hermitian kernels like the so-called density matrices. And we introduce some limits of these transforms for sequences of functions in L2, limits that correspond to the semi-classical limit in Quantum Mechanics. The measures we obtain in this way, that we call Wigner measures, have various mathematical properties that we establish. In particular, we prove they satisfy, in linear situations (Schrödinger equations)...

Symétrisations indépendantes du temps pour certains opérateurs du type de Schrödinger. I

Jiro Takeuchi (2002)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Si danno condizioni sufficienti e condizioni necessarie affinché il problema di Cauchy per alcuni operatori di tipo Schrödinger sia ben posto in spazi di Sobolev. Gli operatori qui considerati sono operatori di Schrödinger con potenziali vettoriali complessi, una generalizzazione degli operatori di 2-evoluzione nel senso di Petrowsky, e alcuni sistemi tipo Leray-Volevich di operatori lineari a derivate parziali. Il metodo che usiamo in questo articolo è la simmetrizazione L 2 degli operatori non dipendenti...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 41