Displaying 401 – 420 of 1119

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Hamilton’s Principle with Variable Order Fractional Derivatives

Atanackovic, Teodor, Pilipovic, Stevan (2011)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

MSC 2010: 26A33, 70H25, 46F12, 34K37 Dedicated to 80-th birthday of Prof. Rudolf GorenfloWe propose a generalization of Hamilton’s principle in which the minimization is performed with respect to the admissible functions and the order of the derivation. The Euler–Lagrange equations for such minimization are derived. They generalize the classical Euler-Lagrange equation. Also, a new variational problem is formulated in the case when the order of the derivative is defined through a constitutive equation....

Herman’s last geometric theorem

Bassam Fayad, Raphaël Krikorian (2009)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We present a proof of Herman’s Last Geometric Theorem asserting that if F is a smooth diffeomorphism of the annulus having the intersection property, then any given F -invariant smooth curve on which the rotation number of F is Diophantine is accumulated by a positive measure set of smooth invariant curves on which F is smoothly conjugated to rotation maps. This implies in particular that a Diophantine elliptic fixed point of an area preserving diffeomorphism of the plane is stable. The remarkable...

Hidden symmetries of the gravitational contact structure of the classical phase space of general relativistic test particle

Josef Janyška (2014)

Archivum Mathematicum

The phase space of general relativistic test particle is defined as the 1-jet space of motions. A Lorentzian metric defines the canonical contact structure on the odd-dimensional phase space. In the paper we study infinitesimal symmetries of the gravitational contact phase structure which are not generated by spacetime infinitesimal symmetries, i.e. they are hidden symmetries. We prove that Killing multivector fields admit hidden symmetries of the gravitational contact phase structure and we give...

Hierarchy of integrable geodesic flows.

Peter Topalov (2000)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

A family of integrable geodesic flows is obtained. Any such a family corresponds to a pair of geodesically equivalent metrics.

High Resolution Tracking of Cell Membrane Dynamics in Moving Cells: an Electrifying Approach

R.A. Tyson, D.B.A. Epstein, K.I. Anderson, T. Bretschneider (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Cell motility is an integral part of a diverse set of biological processes. The quest for mathematical models of cell motility has prompted the development of automated approaches for gathering quantitative data on cell morphology, and the distribution of molecular players involved in cell motility. Here we review recent approaches for quantifying cell motility, including automated cell segmentation and tracking. Secondly, we present our own novel...

Higher symmetries of the Laplacian via quantization

Jean-Philippe Michel (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We develop a new approach, based on quantization methods, to study higher symmetries of invariant differential operators. We focus here on conformally invariant powers of the Laplacian over a conformally flat manifold and recover results of Eastwood, Leistner, Gover and Šilhan. In particular, conformally equivariant quantization establishes a correspondence between the algebra of Hamiltonian symmetries of the null geodesic flow and the algebra of higher symmetries of the conformal Laplacian. Combined...

Hofer’s metrics and boundary depth

Michael Usher (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We show that if ( M , ω ) is a closed symplectic manifold which admits a nontrivial Hamiltonian vector field all of whose contractible closed orbits are constant, then Hofer’s metric on the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of  ( M , ω ) has infinite diameter, and indeed admits infinite-dimensional quasi-isometrically embedded normed vector spaces. A similar conclusion applies to Hofer’s metric on various spaces of Lagrangian submanifolds, including those Hamiltonian-isotopic to the diagonal in  M × M when M satisfies...

Hofer–Zehnder capacity of unit disk cotangent bundles and the loop product

Kei Irie (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove a new finiteness result for the Hofer–Zehnder capacity of certain unit disk cotangent bundles. It is proved by a computation of the pair-of-pants product on Floer homology of cotangent bundles, combined with the theory of spectral invariants. The computation of the pair-of-pants product is reduced to a simple key computation of the Chas–Sullivan loop product.

Homogenization of the transport equation describing convection-diffusion processes in a material with fine periodic structure

Šilhánek, David, Beneš, Michal (2023)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

In the present contribution we discuss mathematical homogenization and numerical solution of the elliptic problem describing convection-diffusion processes in a material with fine periodic structure. Transport processes such as heat conduction or transport of contaminants through porous media are typically associated with convection-diffusion equations. It is well known that the application of the classical Galerkin finite element method is inappropriate in this case since the discrete solution...

Homotopy method for minimum consumption orbit transfer problem

Joseph Gergaud, Thomas Haberkorn (2006)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The numerical resolution of the low thrust orbital transfer problem around the Earth with the maximization of the final mass or minimization of the consumption is investigated. This problem is difficult to solve by shooting method because the optimal control is discontinuous and a homotopic method is proposed to deal with these difficulties for which convergence properties are established. For a thrust of 0.1 Newton and a final time 50% greater than the minimum one, we obtain 1786 switching times....

Hydrodynamics of Saturn’s Dense Rings

M. Seiß, F. Spahn (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The space missions Voyager and Cassini together with earthbound observations revealed a wealth of structures in Saturn’s rings. There are, for example, waves being excited at ring positions which are in orbital resonance with Saturn’s moons. Other structures can be assigned to embedded moons like empty gaps, moon induced wakes or S-shaped propeller features. Furthermore, irregular radial structures are observed in the range from 10 meters until kilometers. Here some of these structures will be discussed...

Currently displaying 401 – 420 of 1119