Displaying 1621 – 1640 of 2623

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Optimal Poiseuille flow in a finite elastic dyadic tree

Benjamin Mauroy, Nicolas Meunier (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper we construct a model to describe some aspects of the deformation of the central region of the human lung considered as a continuous elastically deformable medium. To achieve this purpose, we study the interaction between the pipes composing the tree and the fluid that goes through it. We use a stationary model to determine the deformed radius of each branch. Then, we solve a constrained minimization problem, so as to minimize the viscous (dissipated) energy in the tree. The key...

Optimization of the shape of axisymmetric shells

Ivan Hlaváček (1983)

Aplikace matematiky

Axisymmetric thin elastic shells of constant thickness are considered and the meridian curves of their middle surfaces taken for the design variable. Admissible functions are smooth curves of a given length, which are uniformly bounded together with their first and second derivatives, and such that the shell contains a given volume. The loading consists of the hydrostatic pressure of a liquid, the shell's own weight and the internal or external pressure. As the cost functional, the integral of the...

Optimum beam design via stochastic programming

Eva Žampachová, Pavel Popela, Michal Mrázek (2010)


The purpose of the paper is to discuss the applicability of stochastic programming models and methods to civil engineering design problems. In cooperation with experts in civil engineering, the problem concerning an optimal design of beam dimensions has been chosen. The corresponding mathematical model involves an ODE-type constraint, uncertain parameter related to the material characteristics and multiple criteria. As a~result, a~multi-criteria stochastic nonlinear optimization model is obtained....

Optimum composite material design

Jaroslav Haslinger, Jan Dvořák (1995)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Oscillations of a nonlinearly damped extensible beam

Eduard Feireisl, Leopold Herrmann (1992)

Applications of Mathematics

It is proved that any weak solution to a nonlinear beam equation is eventually globally oscillatory, i.e., there is a uniform oscillatory interval for large times.

Parallel solution of elasticity problems using overlapping aggregations

Roman Kohut (2018)

Applications of Mathematics

The finite element (FE) solution of geotechnical elasticity problems leads to the solution of a large system of linear equations. For solving the system, we use the preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) method with two-level additive Schwarz preconditioner. The preconditioning is realised in parallel. A coarse space is usually constructed using an aggregation technique. If the finite element spaces for coarse and fine problems on structural grids are fully compatible, relations between elements...

Parameters identification of material models based on the inverse analysis

Danuta Szeliga, Jerzy Gawąd, Maciej Pietrzyk (2004)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper presents an application of the inverse analysis to the identification of two models: a phase transformation model and a rheological model. The optimization algorithm for the inverse analysis was tested for various techniques of searching for the minimum: derivative-free and gradient methods, as well as genetic algorithms. Simulation results were validated for microalloyed niobium steel. An optimization strategy, which is adequate for the inverse analysis, is suggested.

Partial exact controllability and exponential stability in higher-dimensional linear thermoelasticity

Weijiu Liu (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The problem of partial exact boundary controllability and exponential stability for the higher-dimensional linear system of thermoelasticity is considered. By introducing a velocity feedback on part of the boundary of the thermoelastic body, which is clamped along the rest of its boundary, to increase the loss of energy, we prove that the energy in the system of thermoelasticity decays to zero exponentially. We also give a positive answer to a related open question raised by Alabau and Komornik...

Currently displaying 1621 – 1640 of 2623