On the integral representation of the solution to the Stokes system
In the existing stability theory of steady flows of an ideal incompressible fluid, formulated by V. Arnold, the stability is understood as a stability with respect to perturbations with small in vorticity. Nothing has been known about the stability under perturbation with small energy, without any restrictions on vorticity; it was clear that existing methods do not work for this (the most physically reasonable) class of perturbations. We prove that in fact, every nontrivial steady flow is unstable...
We establish regularity results up to the boundary for solutions to generalized Stokes and Navier–Stokes systems of equations in the stationary and evolutive cases. Generalized here means the presence of a shear dependent viscosity. We treat the case . Actually, we are interested in proving regularity results in spaces for all the second order derivatives of the velocity and all the first order derivatives of the pressure. The main aim of the present paper is to extend our previous scheme, introduced...
We study a linear system of equations arising from fluid motion around a moving rigid body, where rotation is included. Originally, the coordinate system is attached to the fluid, which means that the domain is changing with respect to time. To get a problem in the fixed domain, the problem is rewritten in the coordinate system attached to the body. The aim of the present paper is the proof of the existence of a strong solution in a weighted Lebesgue space. In particular, we prove the existence...
We consider a model for the viscoelastic fluid which has recently been studied in [4] and [1]. We show the local-in-time existence of a strong solution to the corresponding system of partial differential equations under less regularity assumptions on the initial data than in the above mentioned papers. The main difference in our approach is the use of the theory for the Stokes system.
Studiamo l'evoluzione temporale di un fluido bidimensionale incomprimibile non viscoso quando la vorticità iniziale è concentrata in regioni di diametro e mostriamo che la vorticità evoluta temporalmente è anche lei concentrata in piccole regioni di diametro , per qualunque . Noi chiamiamo questa proprietà "localizzazione". Come conseguenza abbiamo una connessione rigorosa tra il modello dei vortici puntiformi e l'Equazione di Eulero.
We show that the global-in-time solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations driven by highly oscillating external forces stabilize to globally defined (on the whole real line) solutions of the same system with the driving force given by the integral mean of oscillations. Several stability results will be obtained.
Viene provata l'esistenza e l'unicità delle soluzioni deboli per un sistema di equazioni della magnetoidrodinamica in un dominio variabile. Per la dimostrazione si usano il metodo di Galerkin spettrale e la tecnica introdotta da Dal Passo e Ughi per trattare i problemi con dominio dipendente dal tempo.
In this paper we present an analysis of the partial differential equations that describe the Chemical Vapor Infiltration (CVI) processes. The mathematical model requires at least two partial differential equations, one describing the gas phase and one corresponding to the solid phase. A key difficulty in the process is the long processing times that are typically required. We address here the issue of optimization and show that we can choose appropriate pressure and temperature to minimize these...
We investigate different asymptotic regimes for Vlasov equations modeling the evolution of a cloud of particles in a turbulent flow. In one case we obtain a convection or a convection-diffusion effective equation on the concentration of particles. In the second case, the effective model relies on a Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation.
We investigate different asymptotic regimes for Vlasov equations modeling the evolution of a cloud of particles in a turbulent flow. In one case we obtain a convection or a convection-diffusion effective equation on the concentration of particles. In the second case, the effective model relies on a Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation.