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Náměty pro práci s uzly v hodině matematiky

Jan Fiala (2014)

Učitel matematiky

First, the contribution describes the most significant turning points of the gradual development of recognition in knot theory, then it provides examples of the use of classical knots in history, mentions some pictorial forms of motivation for the inclusion of knot theory in teaching mathematics, presents basic concepts of knot theory suitable for mathematics teaching in the lower years of 8-year secondary grammar school and offers a set of simple tasks in this interesting field of mathematics which...

Násobíme chytře?

Ľubomíra Balková, Čeněk Škarda (2012)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

Navigačné prístroje vo vyučovaní matematiky

Štefan Gubo (2013)

Učitel matematiky

The article concerns the use of GPS (Global Positioning System) in the teaching of mathematics. Some concrete mathematical tasks are given which can be solved with the help of GPS. They concern measuring distances, finding areas and understanding graphs of functions. Solutions are provided and complemented by pictures.

Nejkratší spojnice vrcholů čtverce

Dag Hrubý, Martina Kašparová (2013)

Učitel matematiky

The article concerns the following problem: Given square A B C D with the side of 1. Find points E , F so that the sum l = | A E | + | D E | + | E F | + | B F | + | C F | is the smallest possible. Four solutions are given which are examples of the connection between several mathematical disciplines (geometry, algebra and calculus). The article concludes with a note on the history of the presented problem (leading to P. Fermat and others).

Několik netypických praktických úloh

Miroslav Staněk (2017)

Učitel matematiky

lánek pojednává o speciálním případu iracionálních rovnic, jejichž jedno řešení lze "snadno uhodnout" a zabývá se otázkami existence a počtu dalších reálných řešení takových rovnic a problematikou jejich nalezení. To je ilustrováno několika konkrétními příklady, při jejichž rozboru jsou využívány různé postupy dostupné též středoškolským studentům.

Několik úvah v souvislosti s projektem mezinárodní srovnávací studie vzdělávání učitelů matematiky

Tomáš Zdráhal, Yanming Wang (2016)

Učitel matematiky

International projects TIMSS, PISA and similar deal with testing pupils' knowledge, among others in mathematics. The public notices their results especially in terms of ranking countries according to their success in these tests. It turns out, however, that the dependence of success in tests on the county, from which pupils come, cannot be proved. Rather, there is a dependence on competence of these pupils' teachers. This competence, however, is difficult to test - both in the Czech Republic and...

Některá využití stavebnice Polydron ve výuce matematiky

Jan Fiala (2014)

Učitel matematiky

The paper presents demonstrations of activity-oriented mathematics teaching methods focused on using construction sets of geometric solids Polydron in the teaching of mathematics. The text contains mathematical tasks and methodic notes to the use of Polydron building sets in the teaching of mathematics.

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