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A characterization of uninorms on bounded lattices via closure and interior operators

Gül Deniz Çayli (2023)


Uninorms on bounded lattices have been recently a remarkable field of inquiry. In the present study, we introduce two novel construction approaches for uninorms on bounded lattices with a neutral element, where some necessary and sufficient conditions are required. These constructions exploit a t-norm and a closure operator, or a t-conorm and an interior operator on a bounded lattice. Some illustrative examples are also included to help comprehend the newly added classes of uninorms.

A hybrid genetic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with three-dimensional loading constraints

Lixin Miao, Qingfang Ruan, Kevin Woghiren, Qi Ruo (2012)

RAIRO - Operations Research

This paper addresses a Three-Dimensional Loading Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (3L-CVRP) which combines a three-dimensional loading problem and vehicle routing problem in distribution logistics. The problem requires the combinatorial optimization of a feasible loading solution and a successive routing of vehicles to satisfy client demands, where all vehicles must start and terminate at a central depot. In spite of its clear practical significance...

A hybrid genetic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with three-dimensional loading constraints

Lixin Miao, Qingfang Ruan, Kevin Woghiren, Qi Ruo (2012)

RAIRO - Operations Research

This paper addresses a Three-Dimensional Loading Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (3L-CVRP) which combines a three-dimensional loading problem and vehicle routing problem in distribution logistics. The problem requires the combinatorial optimization of a feasible loading solution and a successive routing of vehicles to satisfy client demands, where all vehicles must start and terminate at a central depot. In spite of its clear practical significance...

A Hybrid Model Describing Different Morphologies of Tumor Invasion Fronts

M. Scianna, L. Preziosi (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The invasive capability is fundamental in determining the malignancy of a solid tumor. Revealing biomedical strategies that are able to partially decrease cancer invasiveness is therefore an important approach in the treatment of the disease and has given rise to multiple in vitro and in silico models. We here develop a hybrid computational framework, whose aim is to characterize the effects of the different cellular and subcellular mechanisms involved...

A method for learning scenario determination and modification in intelligent tutoring systems

Adrianna Kozierkiewicz-Hetmańska, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (2011)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Computers have been employed in education for years. They help to provide educational aids using multimedia forms such as films, pictures, interactive tasks in the learning process, automated testing, etc. In this paper, a concept of an intelligent e-learning system will be proposed. The main purpose of this system is to teach effectively by providing an optimal learning path in each step of the educational process. The determination of a suitable learning path depends on the student's preferences,...

A Numerical study of Newton interpolation with extremely high degrees

Michael Breuß, Friedemann Kemm, Oliver Vogel (2018)


In current textbooks the use of Chebyshev nodes with Newton interpolation is advocated as the most efficient numerical interpolation method in terms of approximation accuracy and computational effort. However, we show numerically that the approximation quality obtained by Newton interpolation with Fast Leja (FL) points is competitive to the use of Chebyshev nodes, even for extremely high degree interpolation. This is an experimental account of the analytic result that the limit distribution of FL...

A short note on multivariate dependence modeling

Vladislav Bína, Radim Jiroušek (2013)


As said by Mareš and Mesiar, necessity of aggregation of complex real inputs appears almost in any field dealing with observed (measured) real quantities (see the citation below). For aggregation of probability distributions Sklar designed his copulas as early as in 1959. But surprisingly, since that time only a very few literature have appeared dealing with possibility to aggregate several different pairwise dependencies into one multivariate copula. In the present paper this problem is tackled...

A stochastic programming approach to managing liquid asset portfolios

Helgard Raubenheimer, Machiel F. Kruger (2010)


Maintaining liquid asset portfolios involves a high carry cost and is mandatory by law for most financial institutions. Taking this into account a financial institution's aim is to manage a liquid asset portfolio in an “optimal” way, such that it keeps the minimum required liquid assets to comply with regulations. In this paper we propose a multi-stage dynamic stochastic programming model for liquid asset portfolio management. The model allows for portfolio rebalancing decisions over a multi-period...

A Team Approach to Undergraduate Research in Biomathematics: Balance Control

J. Milton, A. Radunskaya, W. Ou, T. Ohira (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The question, how does an organism maintain balance? provides a unifying theme to introduce undergraduate students to the use of mathematics and modeling techniques in biological research. The availability of inexpensive high speed motion capture cameras makes it possible to collect the precise and reliable data that facilitates the development of relevant mathematical models. An in–house laboratory component ensures that students have the opportunity...

A weighted empirical interpolation method: a priori convergence analysis and applications

Peng Chen, Alfio Quarteroni, Gianluigi Rozza (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We extend the classical empirical interpolation method [M. Barrault, Y. Maday, N.C. Nguyen and A.T. Patera, An empirical interpolation method: application to efficient reduced-basis discretization of partial differential equations. Compt. Rend. Math. Anal. Num. 339 (2004) 667–672] to a weighted empirical interpolation method in order to approximate nonlinear parametric functions with weighted parameters, e.g. random variables obeying various probability distributions. A priori convergence analysis...

Ako využiť digitálne technológie pri vyučovaní logaritmickej funkcie

Dušan Šveda, Viera Švedová, Stanislav Lukáč, Jozef Sekerák (2013)

Učitel matematiky

The article deals with the introduction of logarithmic function with the help of GeoGebra and Derive 6. A teaching experiment is described in which pupils reached the concept of logarithmic function by solving a carefully selected series of problems. Each problem is complemented by a solution and comments about the way it was solved by pupils with the help of software. The whole process ended with the definition of logarithmic function and a series of problems in which pupils were to discover its...

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