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Ekvivalence (č. j.) nebo ekvivalence (č. mn.)?


Učitel matematiky

edná se o shrnutí diskuze Františka Kuřiny, Vladislava Dlaba a Jindřicha Bečvára o významu slova ekvivalence. Autor článku poskytuje definice ze Slovníku spisovné češtiny a také ze Slovníku školské matematiky. Mluví ze svého pohledu jako učitel středoškolské matematiky a porovnává ho s pohledy kolegů matematiků – vědců.

Equation f ( p ( x ) ) = q ( f ( x ) ) for given real functions p , q

Oldřich Kopeček (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We investigate functional equations f ( p ( x ) ) = q ( f ( x ) ) where p and q are given real functions defined on the set of all real numbers. For these investigations, we can use methods for constructions of homomorphisms of mono-unary algebras. Our considerations will be confined to functions p , q which are strictly increasing and continuous on . In this case, there is a simple characterization for the existence of a solution of the above equation. First, we give such a characterization. Further, we present a construction...

Equilibrium search model with endogenous growth rate of human capital

Wansheng Tang, Chi Zhou, Chaoqun Xiao, Ruiqing Zhao (2016)


This article studies an equilibrium search problem when jobs provided by firms can be either unskilled or skilled and when workers differing in their education level can be either low-educated or high-educated. The structure proportion of jobs affects the equilibrium which indicates a threshold that can distinguish whether the equilibrium is separating or cross-skill. In addition, the cross-skill equilibrium solution implies the high-educated workers are more likely to obtain higher pay rates than...

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