Displaying similar documents to “Koncepcja kształcenia nauczycieli”

Współczesne cele i metody kształcenia w świetle koncepcji Wacława Nałkowskiego

Magdalena Misztalska (2011)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


An important task of geographical education is thought to be the formulation of teaching objectives, the selection of contents and development of teaching methods. The primary task is then to define teaching objectives since the formulation of objectives is thought to be a decisive factor in the selection of contents and methods. All these topics constitute the subject matter of the special branch of geography distinguished by Nałkowski, namely the „school geography”, which was seen...

Geography in Russia: education and public interest

Valery Solomin, Viaczeslaw Suchorukov (2013)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


In the article, the terms of the public interest in Russia are discussed, among which are the natural resources and the humanitarian component, including the geographic entity, the state plays an important role.

Atrakcyjność turystyczna regionów na przykładzie Francji

Sławomir Dorocki, Małgorzata Zdon-Korzeniowska, Anna Delekta (2012)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


Technological and economic transformation of the past few decades resulted in a significant re-evaluation of the factors affecting the location of economic activity. General trend in these changes is the declining importance of the so-called “hard factors”, “cost factors” (such as transport costs, labour costs and the amount of taxes), as opposed to the so-called “soft factors”; special emphasis among these factors is placed on human capital. An important aspect of the human factor in...

Koncepcja geografii malowniczej

Katarzyna Mentel (2011)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


„Picturesque geography” is an original expression of Wacław Nałkowski, which probably has no counterpart in the whole history of geographical thought. It clearly shows Nałkowski’s belief that the materials utilized in the process of education should have a beautiful shape. This is also a very convincing expression of his romantic sensibility and the testimony of his great literary talent. Romantic aspects in works of Nałkowski are thought to be very important, since geography is a field...

Development and present situation of slovenian didactics of geography

Tatjana Resnik-Planinc (2013)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The paper presents the development of Slovenian didactics of geography in the frame of the development of geographical education from the Middle Ages until nowadays. Important milestones are discussed through the prism of the work of important men who influenced the development of geographical education from its very beginning.

Dokształcanie i doskonalenie nauczycieli na studiach podyplomowych

Bogdan J. Nowecki (2006)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


The project presents an outline of a general concept of teacher training and self-improvement in the postgraduate courses. The general proposals are illustrated with an example of postgraduate Studies in Mathematics.

Czym jest zmysł geograficzny?

Witold Wilczyński (2011)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


„Geographical sense” is one of the original ideas of Wacław Nałkowski. He defined it as oneof the characteristics of human perception and thinking, which manifests itself in such a way, that the whole variety of human experience is transformed in the act of perception to shape the overall, general and comprehensive situations or figures. It is a process based on a spontaneous, unconscious selection of incoming sensory data and its evaluation, interpretation and synthesizing, to create...

Walory turystyczne wybranych regionów Spitsbergenu

Piotr Dolnicki, Łukasz Gawor (2012)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The paper presents different attractions of Spitsbergen: geological, geomorphological and glaciological objects and processes, as well as industrial sites especially connected with coalmining, which constitute the group of geotourist attractions in Hornsund, Isfjorden and North East Land. It also describes logistic and infrastructure conditions in Svalbard. The evaluation of possibilities to develop geotourism in Spitsbergen is included as well.

Dekadencja geografii i zapomniane idee Wacława Nałkowskiego

Jacek May (2011)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The article is inspired by Wacław Nałkowski’s writings and is a reflection on the nature of geography and its place in the system of knowledge. Moreover, the author considers the status of geography and its social relevance. The article seeks to justify the thesis that the low prestige of geography in social consciousness is an outcome of the attitudes of scholars and teachers of geography themselves, the media propaganda and also the state policy. The main objective of the paper is...

Актуальные проблемы обучения математике в школе и вузе в свете идей Л. С. Выготского

Людмила Боженкова, Марина Егупова (2016)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


The article gives a brief overview of the scientific results of the III  International Conference held in Moscow State Pedagogical University in November 2016. The main directions of the development of ideas of L. S. Vygotsky, presented in the reports of leading Russian and foreign scientists – participants of the conference.

O roli prac dyplomowych z dydaktyki matematyki w kształceniu przyszłych nauczycieli matematyki

Joanna Major, Bożena Olik-Pawlik, Tadeusz Ratusiński, Lidia Zaręba (2017)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


In the training process of students – future teachers of mathematics, an important role is played by, among others, participation in the diploma seminar, during which the student (being at the final stage of studies)is tasked with preparing a bachelor’s or master’s thesis. This dissertation may be purely mathematical in nature or refer to problems in didactics of mathematics. The article aims to develop and illustrate some thoughts from previous works of the authors (Zaręba, 2009; Major,...

Kompetencje geometryczne nauczycieli matematyki

Monika Czajkowska (2016)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


Practice proves that students tend to face difficulties in learninggeometry. This observation is partially confirmed by the results of educationalresearch as well as external exams. It happens repeatedly that studentsget lower marks in arithmetic or algebra tasks. The causes of such situationare complex. One of the reasons is that teaching geometry requires specialteaching skills characteristic for this specific teaching branch as well as theneed for “specific vision”. Therefore, I decided...

“Nature of Saint-Petersburg” electronic educational edition as a mean of shaping ecological awareness in schoolchildren

T.V. Vileyto, E.M. Rebko (2014)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The article discusses in detail the contents of electronic educational edition of “Nature of St. Petersburg”. It shows the scientific and methodological benefits, as well as the principles underlying the publication. Much attention is paid to the analytic section of the manual, especially to enable the development of ecological awareness of schoolchildren.

Badania nad osobowością Wacława Nałkowskiego

Elżbieta Choinkowska (2011)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The article attempts to explain the scientific and social phenomenon that was constituted by the figure of Wacław Nałkowski. With comprehensive knowledge concerning his life, the author undertook the characterization of his personality with the use of the special psychological method of transactional analysis. It is a method developed by American psychiatrist Eric Berne during 1960s. It explains the way people think and behave, offering many tools to understand human functioning, social,...

Rola portów morskich w rozwoju cruisingu na Karaibach

Renata Rettinger, Anna Urbańska (2012)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


Sea tourism brings huge profits to the Caribbean. The cruise market is set mainly for tourists coming from North America. Low travel costs, high income and the long-lasting tradition of sailing excursions are the main reasons. More and more European tourists can also be seen in the Caribbean thanks to numerous air connections. The cruise routes follow the most attractive ports. The ongoing competition causes the increase of quality of passenger’s service and goods. The investment of...

Etapy rozwoju osadnictwa zachodniej części Płaskowyżu Nałęczowskiego i ich zapis w osadach dna doliny Bystrej

Jan Reder, Józef Superson, Tadeusz Król (2010)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The article analyzed the impact of old (prehistoric, medieval) and modern settlement on the nature of the Holocene alluvial sediments at the bottom of the Bystra valley. It was shown that the transition from peat to mineral deposits was the result of Neolithic farming. Nomadic culture of the late Neolithic and early Bronze Age have helped to stop the denudation slope sand increasing erosion in the bottom of the river valley. Restarting the denudation in the basin and the beginning of...

Ścieżka dydaktyczna jako forma poznania najbliższej przestrzeni geograficznej ucznia – na przykładzie ścieżki dydaktycznej w miejscowości Zalas

Renata Gasek (2010)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


An important, but underestimated method of teaching geographic themes in elementary and junior high schools are strolls, organized on didactic routes appointed near schools. They enable merging the knowledge on multiple topics, show its application in practice, and enables expanding students’ interests. The project of a didactic route created for Zalas shows the possibilities of using local potential to teach geography, with special consideration of human activities. Usage of students’...

Housing conditions in selected metropolitan areas in Poland

Piotr Raźniak, Anna Winiarczyk-Raźniak (2014)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


Housing conditions are considered an element reflecting the living standard of the population. In addition, it is also an important index illustrating advancement of suburbanisation processes. The article presents diversification of housing conditions in two selected metropolitan areas: Warsaw, Kraków and Potential Rzeszów Metropolitan Area. Two indexes are analysed in the paper: the number of persons per apartment and the average floor space of apartments, in two time periods:1995 and...

Актуальные проблемы современной методики обучения математике

Роза А. Утеева (2012)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


This article analyzes the development of the concept of methodical system of teaching mathematics. Various approaches (A. Pyshkalo, G. Sarantsev, T. Ivanova, N. Stefanova, etc.) to the concept of methodical system of teaching mathematics are analyzed.

Twórczość i kontekst ideologiczny w poglądach Wacława Nałkowskiego

Karol Wilczyński (2011)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


Nałkowski lived in times of rapid transformation of civilization and during the period of ideological ferment, in a colonized country which at that time was Poland. Clearly disappointed with social and political reality, he turned his interest towards the trendy socialist ideas, seeing in them the hope for improving the living conditions of the society. The discerning analysis of the Nałkowski’s Social Writings (ed. 1951), allowed the author to assess the influence of the intellectual...

The problem of human development and liberal education

Viaczeslav Sukhorukov, Bożena Wójtowicz (2014)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The modern world is characterized by rapid changes in all spheres of social life. These changes are amplified by extremely rapid dissemination of information, knowledge, values, tastes, and ideas from one society to another. Some values are invisible to the eye, other can be noticed quickly and easily. The result is a new cultural phenomena, which are called “civilization“ and “ the modern way of life.” To change the values and ideological climate in today’s world it is necessary to...

Idee Wacława Nałkowskiego a współczesna dydaktyka

Elżbieta Szkurłat (2011)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The answer to the question whether teaching of geography nowadays respects the universal ideas of the great geographer, is not clear. A critical look at teaching achievements of Wacław Nałkowski, as well as at the contemporary state of geographical teaching, seems to be difficult due to the individual views and personal experiences. This paper is an attempt to assess the extent to which the important educational concepts of Nałkowski are respected in contemporary educational practice....

Ocena wykształcenia kompetencji przedmiotowych z geografii społeczno-gospodarczej a wybrane aspekty innowacyjności w edukacji i kształceniu nauczycieli

Wiktor Osuch (2012)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


Although Poland has gone through a period of many various trials regarding the introduction of different changes in the educational system (involving everything from types of schools, through levels of teaching, changes in curricula for each school subject, syllabuses and textbooks, to the modification of teaching aims and content for each subject), very little, in fact, has been done to promote the necessary remodelling of work that would ensure the shaping of a truly modern teacher....

Analiza błędów z geometrii elementarnej popełnianych przez kandydatów na studia matematyczne w Akademii Pedagogicznej w Krakowie dokonana na podstawie wyników egzaminów wstępnych na kierunek matematyka w latach 2003 i 2004

Ewa Lubaś (2006)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


In the article the errors in the solutions of geometry problems made by the candidates for the first year of the mathematical studies at the Pedagogical University of Cracow during the entrance examinations in 2003 and 2004 are analysed. Every geometry problem is provided with the examples of its solutions, and the detailed conclusions are drawn from the analysis. In the final part of the article a general didactic analysis of the errors is carried out as well as some aspects of teaching...

Industrial and commercial suburbanization in post-socialist city: the Kraków Metropolitan Area (Poland)

Sławomir Kurek, Tomasz Rachwał, Mirosław Wójtowicz (2014)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The subject of this paper is the issue of urban sprawling in the Kraków Metropolitan Area (Poland). Particular attention is paid on the changing role of industry as one of the key elements of development and metropolization of cities in post-socialist, emerging economies. The role of the industry in terms of activation of labor resources has been diminishing, which is connected to the automation of manufacturing processes and relocations of labor-intensive activities to regions with...

Przekształcenia wykresów funkcji

Antoni Chronowski (2006)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


This article is concerned with some topics of the transformationsof the graphs of functions. It is designated to serve as a text for thestudents of mathematics (prospective teachers) and the teachers of ma-thematics.In this paper we give the answer to the following problem:Given the graph of the function f:R Df

Gotowa wiedza i aktywność w matematycznym kształceniu na przykładzie kątów Langleya

Maciej Klakla (2006)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


The article contains a didactic project of classes with mathematics students – future teachers. On the example of problems related to Langley’s angles, the author presents differences between two styles of teaching mathematics. One style is based on existing mathematical knowledge, and the second requires active participation of the students in creating this knowledge during the problem solving process.

Założenia koncepcji Ekologicznego Śladu i przykłady obliczeń dla dużych miast

Wanda Wilczyńska-Michalik, Karolina Świder (2010)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The article presents the concept of Ecological Footprint (EF), which is a quantitative indicator of human impact on the environment. The idea of EF has originated from the concept of carrying capacity. The Ecological Footprint measures how much of the land and water area a human population requires to produce the resource it consumes and to absorb its wastes, using the prevailing technology. The methodology was developed by Rees and Wackernagel (1996). The Ecological Footprint Assessment...

Geometria i kształcenie geometryczne we współczesnej szkole średniej i wyższej - praktyka i problemy

Roza A. Utiejewa, Antoni Pardała (2013)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


The present article presents the genesis of the international conference: andhighGeometry and geometrical education in the current second high school, which took place on November 22-25, 2012 in Togliatti StateUniversity. This conference was dedicated to the 70th jubilee of professorW.A. Gusiew (В.А. Гусев), world-wide famous professor of Mathematicseducation, author and co-author of Geometry textbooks and methodologicalguidebooks for teachers of Maths, published for the need of students’...

O nieskończonych ciągach liczb naturalnych, parami względnie pierwszych

Jan Górowski, Adam Łomnicki (2009)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


In the first part of the paper the authors, using general formulas, determine and describe a class of infinite series of natural numbers pairs of which are relatively prime. The second part of the paper contains - as a proposition - a set of problems concerning prime numbers and pairs of relatively prime numbers suggested for use during the process of work with Mathematics students, as well as some didactic comments concerning these problems.

Tourism development in small cities on the example of Pistoia in Tuscany

Małgorzata Bajgier-Kowalska, Renata Rettinger (2014)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The dynamic development of tourism in many regions of the world causes competition boost which, in turn, leads to a variety of changes in tourist offers. Tourism is an alternative for other types of economic activity, this relates to spatial units of diverse area, including cities. The tourist function can become the mechanism of local development for cities and the protection of the cultural and natural heritage. The main goal of the article is to present the tourist potential of a...

Uwagi dotyczące pojęcia wartości bezwzględnej liczby rzeczywistej

Joanna Major, Zbigniew Powązka (2006)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


This paper deals with some studies of understanding the absolute value of real numbers. This article is divided into two parts. The first one contains the conclusions drawn from the analysis of the solutions of the mathematical problems with the absolute value which were solved by the secondary school pupils. The second part of the article contains the didactic proposition of teaching the concept of absolute value at various levels of mathematical education.

Z badań nad sylwetką absolwenta matematycznych studiów w Akademii Pedagogicznej w Krakowie w latach 2001-2007

Danuta Ciesielska, Joanna Major, Zbigniew Powązka (2009)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


The main goal of our studies was eliciting the opinion of graduates and students of the last year of Master studies on the course for teachers of mathematics at the Pedagogical University of Cracow. The research method was a survey questionnaire.We were interested in opinions on the level of studies at the college, and professional skills acquired in the study process. Moreover, we asked the questions concerning the professional career.In the article we present the analysis of the replies...

Main issues concerning drinking water supply in the Angara River watershed

Elena A. Rush (2012)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


Main issues concerning drinking water supply in the Angara River watershed. Water supply for drinking and communal-general purposes plays an important role in every economy all over the world as water is not only widely used for people’s everyday purposes, but is also essential for people’s vital functions. The principle concerning the priorities of supplying drinking and communal water, stipulated in relevant norms and regulations, presumes that in the first place people should be provided...

Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в образовании студентов специальности >>5В010900-Математика<< педагогического вуза

Бакыткуль Р. Каскатаева, Назира С. Баймулдина (2013)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


In the paper the authors discuss educational usefulness of special applied software (Mathematica) in the process of studying Mathematics at the pedagogical university. The authors also present the levels of thecompetences connected with using an educational electronic means, necessaryfor the students of mathematics.

Wyniki badań nad stanem nauczania statystyki opisowej w Polsce

Zofia Aleksandra Tomaszewska (2006)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


This article presents the results of the study of teaching descriptive statistics in Poland nowadays. After a short review of the history of teaching this branch of school mathematics in the second part of the 20th century, I made an attempt at diagnosing the stage of teacher’s preparation for teaching descriptive statistics. The diagnosis was based on the analysis of: - the survey conducted among working teachers; - teaching standards for mathematics at universities; - curriculum and...

O potrzebie dokształcania nauczycieli akademickich

Bogdan J. Nowecki (2006)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


In this paper author underlines the necessity of continuing education of young academic teachers in the domain of methods of students’ activity during their studies.

Koncepcja nauczycielskich studiów geograficznych według Jana Flisa

Danuta Piróg, Mariola Tracz (2013)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The study shows the evolution of plans of teaching and curriculums of geography studies at the Pedagogical University of Cracow (former Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna) in Cracow in 1946–2001. On the basis of literature and their own research, the authors distinguished some stages of changes introduced into geography-teachers training, taking into account formal and curricular aspects and professor Jan Flis’ contribution to the notion of geography-teachers’ training. The first chapter illustrates...

Idea czynnościowego wprowadzania pojęć geometrii elementarnej z pomocą kursu e-learningowego

Magdalena Kucio, Tadeusz Ratusiński (2009)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


The present article introduces a didactic proposal of supporting the process of teaching mathematics with blended learning. The authors discuss both benefits and dangers of this idea. Also, the concept of functional method of teaching mathematics is brought closer, as it is naturally inscribed in the concept of blended learning. In the second part of the article, the authors describe the materials processed for employment of the discussed foundation in teaching elementary geometry. Estimate...

Przykłady zagadnień z różnych działów matematyki niezbędnych do studiowania teorii miary

Antoni Chronowski, Zbigniew Powązka (2012)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


In the education of mathematicians, including teachers of mathematics, the measure theory plays an important role. From the experience in and research on teaching the measure theory it follows that on of the important reasons why students encounter difficulties in the subject is their insufficient ability to apply their knowledge of other branches of mathematics, especially of the set theory and topology. In this article we propose a series of problem analyses and exercises aimed at...

Przestrzenne zróżnicowanie migracji w Polsce w ujęciu miast i gmin na przełomie XX i XXI wieku

Dariusz Nowotnik (2012)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


Total permanent migration in Poland at the turn of the 21st century was influenced by the political and economic events (economic transformation and the change of the political system in 1989, and accession to the European Union). Among the types of international migration, temporary emigration prevailed. Emigrants were usually aged between 18 and 39,and came mostly from urban areas. Until the year 2000, the prevailing direction in internal migration was the movement from rural to urban...

Kształcenie przyszłych nauczycieli matematyki - wyzwanie edukacyjne

Anna K. Żeromska (2012)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the still current (as compared to the reform of higher education) issue: how should we train mathematics teachers in order to attain the desired outcomes? The article presents an extensive range of thought-provoking questions about what knowledge of well-educated mathematics teachers should be. References to the already existing didactic literature are included. Reflections on this question, containing some arguments as to the direction...

Nowe spojrzenie na gry Penneya

Maciej Major, Barbara Nawolska (2013)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


The problem of gaming is an important part of the educational process on all levels of Mathematics teaching. In this work, we present certain stochastic problems, based on the so-called Penney games. It provides the opportunity to formulate new problems and to construct the tools needed to solve them. This process is accompanied by a variety of mathematical activities.

Antropopresja turystyki wysokogórskiej na przykładzie Kilimandżaro

Michał Apollo (2010)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


This article outlines the negative impact on the environment of the Kilimanjaro Mountain which is a result of commercial approach to mountaineering and change of the climber’s profile. Kilimanjaro, which was called “trampled mountain” in the years 1977–2007, has been visited by 627,974 tourists. The National Park of Kilimanjaro pocketed 25.7 millions USD from admission fees in 2006 only. Officials of the Park are more interested in the commercial aspect than the environmental one. A...

Współczesne problemy i praktyka kształcenia matematycznego studentów

Antoni Pardała (2012)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


The subject matter of this paper relates to one of the modern research trends in teaching mathematics: the problems of quality of mathematical education of pupils and students in the twenty-first century in different countries and cultural traditions. This analysis throws light on the literature, research results, and observations from the Polish perspective of practice, and outlines the intentions of the range. The work also discusses some theoretical bases for the concept of improving...

Rodzinny i społeczny kontekst twórczości Wacława Nałkowskiego

Marzena Kubacz (2011)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The author reveals previously unknown details of the Nałkowskis’ family life which affected the development of Wacław’s character and his interests. These details were also decisive as factors which influenced his scientific and social commitment. Social relationships of his parents and their affinities were also analyzed in order to explain the origins of his worldview. Wacław’s combative nature was already developed in the Russian school, where every symptom of Polish patriotism as...

Refleksje na temat określania wiedzy przedmiotowej nauczycieli matematyki

Mirosława Sajka (2006)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


This article presents the author’s reflections, comments and problems that arise in relation to the issue of defining the subject matter knowledge a teacher should have in the context of Even’s theoretical framework. They incline to start working on a considerable modification of this conception in order to explore its adaptability in other contexts. This paper also includes initial results of this modification.

Waloryzacja środowiska geograficznego Nadleśnictwa Rymanów pod kątem atrakcyjności turystycznej

Piotr Skóra, Wanda Wilczyńska-Michalik, Maciej Szpiech (2010)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


A sudden increase in various tourism forms in Poland in the second half of the twentieth century brought development of natural environment evaluation methods for tourist purposes. Natural and cultural environment values and slight anthropogenic transformations of the Forestry Rymanów created tourists’ interest in this region. The paper presents the scope and ways of evaluating individual components of the natural environment in connection with historical and political changes. Evaluating...