Sul principio di omogenietà dimensionale tra Cinquecento e Seicento
In this paper I examine the fundamental role which had for the algebraic equations theory between the XVIth and the XVIIth century the principle of dimensional homogeneity.
In this paper I examine the fundamental role which had for the algebraic equations theory between the XVIth and the XVIIth century the principle of dimensional homogeneity.
L’objet de cet article est de soumettre une nouvelle datation pour une lettre de Descartes à Schooten, datée possiblement de septembre 1639 par Adam-Tannery. Dans cette lettre, Descartes répond à des questions en relation avec la préparation par Schooten de l’édition latine de la Géométrie de 1649 dont une concerne sa solution du problème de Pappus. Nous proposons de dater cette lettre de mars-avril 1648 en comparant d’une part des lettres de la correspondance cartésienne et en employant d’autre...
This is a paper about the first attemps of demonstration of the fundamental theorem of algebra.Before, we analyze the tie between complex numbers and the number of roots of an equation of n-th degree.In the second paragraph, we see the relation between integration and the fundamental theorem.Finally, we observe the linear differential equation with constant coefficients and Euler's position about the fundamental theorem, and then we consider d'Alembert's, Euler's and Laplace's demonstrations.It...
Cet article traite d’un aspect de la controverse qui a opposé Hobbes et Wallis dans la deuxième moitié du xviie siècle, celui portant sur l’angle de contact. Wallis a publié deux traités sur l’angle de contact, l’un en 1656, l’autre en 1685. Entre ces deux dates sa position sur la question de l’angle de contact a sensiblement évolué. Durant la même période, il s’est opposé à Hobbes sur divers sujets de mathématiques, dont l’angle de contact. J’étudie les positions des deux protagonistes à travers...
François Viète considered most of his mathematical treatises to be part of a body of texts he entitled Opus restitutæ mathematicæ analyseos seu algebra nova. Despite this title and the fact that the term “algebra” has often been used to designate what is customarily regarded as Viète’s main contribution to mathematics, such a term is not part of his vocabulary. How should we understand this term, in the context of the title of his Opus, where “new algebra” is identified with “restored analysis”?...