Displaying 21 – 40 of 604

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A Survey of Counterexamples to Hilbert's Fourteenth Problem

Freudenburg, Gene (2001)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

We survey counterexamples to Hilbert’s Fourteenth Problem, beginning with those of Nagata in the late 1950s, and including recent counterexamples in low dimension constructed with locally nilpotent derivations. Historical framework and pertinent references are provided. We also include 8 important open questions.

A survey on the Szlenk index and some of its applications.

Gilles Lancien (2006)


We describe how the Szlenk index has been used in various areas of the geometry of Banach spaces. We cover the following domains of application of this notion: non existence of universal spaces, linear classification of C(K) spaces, descriptive set theory, renorming problems and non linear classification of Banach spaces.

A tree axiom.

Kurepa, Đuro (1985)

Publications de l'Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série

Abelova cena v roce 2018 udělena za Langlandsův program

Vítězslav Kala (2018)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

V článku motivujeme a vysvětlíme základy Langlandsova programu, sítě domněnek propojujících řadu různých oblastí matematiky. Během toho se také setkáme s Riemannovou hypotézou a domněnkou Birche a Swinnerton-Dyera, dvěma ze sedmi problémů tisíciletí vyhlášených Clayovým matematickým institutem.

About Sergej L'vovich Sobolev.

Lavrent'ev, M. M., Ershov, Yu. L., Kutateladze, S. S., Borovkov, A. A., Godunov, S. K., Goncharov, S. S., Reshetnyak, Yu. G., Romanov, V. G., Mazurov, V. D. (2003)

Sibirskij Matematicheskij Zhurnal

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 604